RCCG SOD Year Eight. This Is Our Daddy. Part Six


We would like to bring this session to a close by talking about the mercy of God. We have talked about His power, His sovereignty, His faithfulness, His knowledge and you know this our God is so good to us.

Psalm 119: 64 says, “The whole earth is full of the mercy of God.”


How Great is the Mercy of God?

If you want to know the width of the mercy of God, it covers the whole earth and then it reaches beyond the heavens. Horizontally, it covers the whole earth, vertically, it goes beyond the heavens. That is a lot of mercy.


In Psalm 108: 4, the Bible says:

“For thy mercy is great above the heavens: and thy truth reacheth unts the clouds.”

The psalmist was merely stating the obvious. He said we are surrounded completely by the mercy of God. If under the ground, the mercy goes all over the world and height wise, it reaches up to the heavens, then it means you are living inside it, unless you are taller than the heavens.

In fact, Ephesians 2: 4 says,

“Mercy is part of the riches of God.”

In other words, if God wants to boast about His wealth, He does not boast about gold and silver. The very dust of heaven is made of gold, but He said He is rich in mercy. Look at Luke 1: 78 if you want to know mercy as the wealth of God. The Bible says His mercy is ten-der. His mercy is plenteous and abundant.

In 1 Peter 1: 3 and Psalm 86: 5, the Bible says the very path that my God walks upon is lined with mercy.

When a wealthy king or an emperor in the Roman Empire wants to walk from one place to another, roses are thrown in his path, so that he would be walking on flowers. But instead of flowers, my Father says, “Line my path with mercy. Psalm 25: 10 says all His acts are acts of mercy.



Categories Of God’s Mercy

There are three categories of God’s mercy.


  1. General mercy — This extends to everybody, everything and everywhere, in all ways, Psalm 145: 9 and Acts 17: 25, human beings, animals, all birds, snakes, all His creatures are covered by this general mercy.
  2. Special mercy — This special mercy of God extends to man in general, whether a sinner or a saint. He has a special mercy for all human beings, according to Matthew 5: 45. Whether they are wicked or they are good, God will allow rain to fall on all of them. He will allow the sun to shine over all of them because of this special mercy for the human race.
  3. Extra special sovereign mercy — The extra special sovereign mercy of God is preserved for the heirs of salvation alone and it is communicated to them in a covenant way through our Media or, Jesus Christ. This is what brought salvation to us. It is this extra special sovereign mercy that you can read about in Romans 9:
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15-16 and Titus 3: 5.

In Ephesians 2: 4-5, we discover that it is this extra special mercy that brought eternal inheritance through Jesus Christ to us and If you look at 1 Peter 1: 3-4, you will know that there is an inheritance “reserved for us in heaven.

There is something strange about this extra special mercy and that is in Psalm 143: 12. The Bible says because we are God’s servants, God will destroy our enemies out of His mercy. Isn’t that strange? Out of His mercy He will destroy the enemies of all those who are His children. If you do not believe this, read Psalm 136: 14-15. The Bible says God drowned Pharaoh in the Red Sea with all his hosts, for His mercy endureth forever. O, my enemies are in trouble because out of the mercy of God, they will be destroyed.

Romans 9: 22-23 says, while the children of God are vessels of honour and mercy, those who are not the children of God are vessels of wrath. In fact, we can prove it that every true child of God has a special name. Their name is Mercy, because the Bible says their Father is the Father of mercies, which means all His children, each one of them is Mercy. In other words, one of my names that you do not know is Mercy, and I am telling you that is one of your names too.

In 1 Corinthians 1: 3, the Bible says there is extra special mercy reserved for you from the day you were born again. This is why in Psalm 136: 1, David said we need to praise, we need to thank, we need to worship, we need to honour, we need to adore Him because His mercy endureth forever.

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In Psalm 59: 16, David also said, I will sing about Your power, but when it come to singing about Your mercy, will sing aloud early in the morning. I will really sing aloud of Your mercy all the time? Why? Because it is the mercy of God that has kept us thus far. It is the mercy of God that brought us salvation. It is the mercy of God that will keep us till the end. It is the mercy of God that will accept us into glory. David said, I know You are powerful, I will sing of Your power. How great Thou art, how wonderful, how powerful, how mighty, but when I want to sing about Your mercy, I will roar like a lion, because I know but for Your mercy, where will I be today.


Brother, sister, why don’t you sing of the mercy of the Lord. Why don’t you sing the song that says,


I will sing of the mercies of the LORD forever,

I will sing of the mercies of the Lord! (2ce)

With my mouth will I make known

Thy faithfulness, thy faithfulness

With my mouth will I make known

Thy faithfulness to all generations

I will sing of the mercy of the Lord forever

I will sing of the mercy of the Lord.


Go ahead and sing of His mercies. Sing unto Him that at least you have finished the course for another one year. What remains now for you is for revision, examination and then promotion. I think you should sing of the mercies of the Lord after all it is not all of you who started who are still on today.

Sing of the mercy of the Lord and His name will be glorified in your life.

Go to Him now. God bless you.




Great Is Thy Faithfulness


“Great is Thy faithfulnes,” O God my Father,

There is no shadow of turning with Thee;

Thou changest not,

Thy compassions they fail not;

As Thou hast been Thou for ever wilt be

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Great is Thy faith ulness!

Great is Thy faithfulness!”

Morning by morning new mercies I see;

All I have needed Thy hand hath provided

“Great is Thy faithfulness,” Lord, unto me!


Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest,

Sun, moon and stars in their own courses above.

Join with all nature in manifold witness.

To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love,

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth.

Thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide;

Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,

Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!


– William M. Runyan.




Action Point

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