The master we are following never did anything without the anointing. Acts 10:38 says: “How God anointed Jesus Christ with Holy Spirit and power: who went about doing good…”
He did nothing without the anointing. He performed no miracle until the Holy Spirit fell on Him (John 1:29-34; John 2:11). It was after the Holy Ghost descended on Him, after He returned in the power of the Holy Ghost that He went to the wedding in Cana of Galilee and performed His first miracle. After Christ’s death, the disciples did not perform a single miracle until Pentecost.
It was after the Pentecost, when the Holy Ghost came in Acts 2:1-4, it was then miracles started. We begin to see Acts 9:36-42, also Acts 6:2-3,8. It is only after the anointing has come that miracles can begin. You will notice that the first thing after Paul was converted was the Holy Ghost baptism. To show the urgency of the need of the anointing, the man who went to pray for him prayed for the Holy Spirit baptism.
The joy of it is that there is only one Holy Spirit, the same one Jesus had, which Peter had, the same one Stephen had. He is the same Spirit available for every disciple today.
He is available to us according to Acts 2:38-39, there is anointing in the word of the master (John 6:63).
The Lord said that the words He speaks are spirit and life. The centurion also said so. He told Jesus to send His word and His servant will be healed. Remember that all he said to the ten lepers was, ‘Go. There is anointing in His words. The same was true of Paul. In Acts 14:8-19, when Paul said to the lame man, rise up and walk and the man arose.
There is anointing in the touch of the Master. In Matthew 8:1-3, a leper came to Jesus to be cleansed. He said Jesus could make him clean if He willed. Jesus said He willed, be clean and touched him. As soon as he touched him he became clean. In the same way, there was anointing in the touch of Paul. In Acts 20:7-12, a dead man was brought back to life through Paul.
There was anointing also in the garment of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to Matthew 9:20-22. The woman with the issue of blood touched the hem of His garment and was made whole. In the same manner, there was anointing in the garment of Paul according to Acts 19:11-12, and he was sending his handkerchief and aprons and they were bringing healings.
It is the same Holy Ghost that was in Jesus that was in Paul, and by the grace of God it is the same Holy Spirit that is in you if you are a spirit filled believer. You have the same Holy Spirit Jesus had and can thus do the same works He did.
There are two conditions for the free flow of the anointing whereby the work of God will not be hindered. These are:
- The vessel in which the anointing is to low must be pure. There must be no dirt to hinder the flow of anointing (Hebrews 1:8-9; I Corinthians 9:27). The anointing is like electricity. When the wire (conductor) is pure, the current flows unhindered, and there will not be loss of energy.
- The disciple must have a constant link with the Holy Spirit, there must be no break in the link. In I Corinthians 14:18, Paul thanked God that he prayed in tongues more than others. He kept on praying in the Holy Spirit because 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says we should pray in the Spirit.
For you to receive a supply of electricity, you must be connected to the Source. If there is a break between your wire and the main wire from the generating source, there will be no supply of electricity at your end. In the same vein, if you as a disciple do not maintain your link with the Holy Spirit, the anointing will stop. But if you keep on praying in the Spirit, living a holy life, the anointing will keep flowing like a river.
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