The principles of UX and UI In Web Design
Some of The principles of UX and UI are:
#1 Accessibility
Ensuring that the website is easy to use for any user, including vision or mobility impaired users. This should follow w3 guidelines (referenced below) but also follow design best practices to make text easy to read and make sure any design elements aren’t interfering with the user experience.
#2 Clarity
The website is easy to understand and its purpose is clear – this should be key in all pages that are built. While a user could likely take many paths on your website, the goal is to build funnels that are taking them toward completing a conversion.
For instance, on an e-commerce site, the home page might have different categories, like Women’s, Men’s, and Children’s clothing. If they click on Women’s, they should ideally be then taken to a page where they can search or narrow down into more niche Women’s categories, like Pants, Shoes, Dresses, or Accessories. This journey should be as clear as possible.
#3 Learnability
The website provides valuable information that answers the user’s query or need. In addition to offering products or services that they are interested in, the website should also offer additional resources that allow the user to learn more about the industry, the company’s offerings, history, and more. For instance, a clothing store that’s been open since 1912 could have a page that shares the history of the company and the building it’s in.
This makes the company feel more personal to the user and also gives them some more background on how it runs, which helps increase brand trust.
#4 Credibility
the website uses reliable information from reputable sources to prove its point or educate the user. In addition to establishing its own credibility through reviews, history, awards, or recognitions, the website design itself provides credibility by being easy to use and find information on.
#5 Relevancy
The website layout and content are kept up-to-date with best practices for the industry, making it relevant to the user. If there is an outdated design or information, it decreases user trust and brand sentiment.
What you should test?
#1 User Intent
what is the user looking to accomplish on a page? (Include examples of a few different intent actions, such as an e-commerce website and a landing page to sign up for an email newsletter).
#2 Points of friction
what is stopping a user from completing the desired action on your website? Places to examine include pages that have the highest bounce rate, abandoned shopping carts, landing pages that do not convert, CTAs on pages that aren’t clicked.
- Causes of friction include:
- Hard-to-understand content
- Disruptive design elements (e.g. the colour yellow may turn some buyers away)
- Shipping costs are too high
- Order fulfilment time too long
- Forms are too complex and time-consuming.
Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that because I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained include the staff of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, and New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your training. You can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training.
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