Website Usability: How To Increase Users Mobile Experience

website usability

Website Usability: How To Increase Users Mobile Experience 



In my previous article, I talked about some of the factors that you need to consider when it comes to website design. Those elements will assist you in designing a website that meets the need of your target audience. In this article, we will be discussing the concept of website usability. Follow me as we are going to look at that together in this article.



First and foremost, before I will define what website usability is, you need to know that there are some factors that Google considers when it comes to the ranking of a website. Although some of these ranking indices are not open to the general I am pretty sure that most of them revolve around how a user feels when they come to your website.


Google is much more interested in user experience when they come to your website. There is this belief that when you are applying for Google Adsense, the Google Engineers will actually visit your website to see the overall arrangements of your contents and other elements on your website before your website will be approved. If you are not able to meet up the minimum requirements, your website will not be approved. All this boils down to your website usability as well.



Website usability has to do with the process of developing the website in such a way that the website visitors can get what they are looking for. Here, you have to ensure that your website is well arranged so that visitors to your website are able to find what they are looking for.


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If I may ask, what is the essence of good content when visitors to your website do not even know that such content exists? I need to also say that, it if is so difficult for your users to discover such content, there is a high probability that even search engines will not be able to discover such content.


The purpose of website usability is to present information in a clean and crisp manner. This goes beyond navigation buttons and tabs, it also has to do with the presentation of your content. You need to ensure that your content is written in good English. You also have to employ the use of subheadings and proper arrangement of your content so that users can easily find what they are looking for on your website.



Also, good website usability will also increase the conversion rate on your website. If you are able to present your information in the right manner such that users are able to understand what the content is all about. I also said in one of my articles that, when you are writing your content, you should try as much as possible to itemize the reasons why your prospects should buy your products and services. It will go a long way in convincing your target audience to buy your products and services.



You should not also forget to make use of signup forms and other means that will guarantee that users are returning back to your website to read more of your content. The email list that you have generated through your signup forms can also be used for what we call Drip Programs when you can be sending content that will allow prospects and customers to get more out of what you have to offer for sale. You should never miss any chances to turn your prospects into customers. This will definitely go a long way in increasing your sales.

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