Analysing The Use Of Expert Judgement For Projects
In my previous article, I talked about all that you need to know about project and project management generally. In this article, I want to look at all that you need to know about the use of expert and expert judgement for projects.
Expert judgment is advice provided by individuals having expertise in a specific knowledge area, application area, industry, or discipline.
Expert judgment may be obtained from internal or external sources such as stakeholders, professionals, subject matter experts, industry groups, the PMO, consultants and functional units.
Expert Judgement can be obtained either through a panel format such as one on one meetings and interviews, or through a panel format such as focus groups, workshops, and surveys.
During the project life cycle, expert judgement may be required only once or continuously, for a very short period or for an extended period.
Typical example…
A project team is assigned to develop a financial management software application for one of its customers. Because the project manager and the team are well versed with the software’s technical aspects but are not familiar with the financial concepts, the project manager felt that the project team required a financial expert to be present, to help them develop the software.
The expert will help analyse the ease of use, coverage of the applications to the current financial laws, and ease of customizing the parameters based on his knowledge of frequently changing parameters in financial systems.
The expert will also provide financial database data needed to carry out feasibility and reliability tests on the application while selecting an appropriate application.
The expert will suggest some typical use cases or situations that occur the whole dealing with and managing a financial system.
The project manager, therefore, decided to contract a financial expert from a financial service firm.
The expert will provide his or her services throughout the project life cycle.
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