15 Best Practices For Effective Landing Pages: With Examples.

Effective Landing Pages


In my previous articles, I have talked about some of the factors that you need to consider when it comes to creating a website. Now, I want to talk about some of the facts that you need to know about a landing page. Follow me as we are going to look at that together in this article.

Facts about a Landing Page

A Landing page is a web page that appears to the visitor after clicking the links in the search engine result page or any other traffic source outside the website. That tells you that you have to make sure that your content communicates the message that you are trying to pass across. You do not know the actual link that will generate traffics for your website.



Traffic sources that I am talking about might include Pay Per Click (PPPC Ads), search marketing campaigns, banner ads or sponsored graphics, links in an email, blog links or sidebars. It can also be pages that display information that is related to particular keyword research as well.


Please note that the main objective of a landing page is to convert visitors to customers. Therefore it must have the information that customers’ needs to decide whether they would like to go for a particular keyword or not.


Also, the landing page allows visitors to download content such as eBooks, whitepapers, webinars or signup forms for free trials or demos of your products.


We can also categorize landing pages into two types:

#1 Transactional Pages

This page encourages the customer to take some desired actions such as filling forms, interacting with objects on a page among others.


#2 Reference Page

This provides information such as text, images, graphics, sounds, and links among others to the visitor who has clicked on that link.


Also, you need to understand that pages that are indexed by Search Engines are also referred to as Landing Pages as well. Also, you need to understand that the more content that you have on your website, the more the possibility of your website being discovered on Search Engines.


Also, when you are setting up a landing page, you need to give appropriate keywords and phrases to show up your website in search engine results.


In addition, landing pages gives the visitors exactly what they are looking for when they enter your website and help the website owner to track their website performance. This will allow them to make all the necessary adjustments that they need to take in order for their website to perform better.


Furthermore, using landing pages for pay per click campaigns helps to track and measure the performance of the campaign. This will allow you to determine whether you should continue to run a particular campaign or you need to make adjustments to your campaigns. Please note that landing pages are effective ways of increasing your traffic and search engine ranking for your website.


How To Create Landing Pages…

There are some steps that you need to follow when you need to create landing pages for a website. Here are the steps.


First, you need to understand that headers should comprise the offer, actions required to grab that offer and the benefits of getting the offer. You also need to draw customer’s attention by keeping exciting headers, such as Download, Try it among others.


Take, for example, you have this call to action:

Download the Guide For Internet Marketing.

The guide is the offer.
The download is the action required to perform.
Internet Marketing Material is the benefit.



Also, you need to keep the information interesting, short and meaningful. You need to understand that every visitor wants a benefit after filling the download form for free download of whitepapers or tools.


You also need to ensure that information provided by you is worthy of customers.

By and large, you need to keep the information short with bullet points that highlight the offers. Highlighting the offer will allow your prospects to explicitly look at the offer one after the other and decide whether it is a product they would like to have or not. You also need to understand that, most times, customers might not have the time to read the entire content from the beginning to the end.


Also, the bullet points should give information about the benefits the visitors gets after filling out the form and downloading it successfully.

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Also, you need to design a short download or subscription form so that whoever visits your landing page can subscribe to your blog updates. You need to ensure that your download page does not have excessive columns. You have to obtain only the required information that you need to know about the customer.


Some of these include:

  • Form title comprises of actions required to perform by the visitor.
  • Keep less than seven fields in the form.
  • A simple thank you email with a link to download an offer should be sent to the visitor after completion of filling the form.

#1 Keep the content above the fold

Visitors should not have to scroll down before they can see the form that you want them to fill. The reason being that not all of them will read your content from the beginning to the end.

#2 Keep an image

You need to place images that are appropriate for the offer on the landing page. This will definitely help the visitors to visualize the offer that you are giving them.


You can place the image either on the presentation or on the cover of the eBook that you are presenting to your target audience.


#3 Remove links and navigation bars

Also, when you are creating your landing page, you need to remove every links and navigation bar. This is to allow the prospect to concentrate on the offer that you have at hand, you should never include links that will take him or her to another page. The only link that should be present is the link that will take your customers to the page where they can pay for the products or services.


#4 Carry out blink test

There is a need for you to carry out a blink test on the landing page. Within the blink, the visitor should know about the offer, benefits, and what they have to do in order to get that offer.


You need to understand people stay on a page for just a few seconds to grab their attention. Therefore, you really need to keep the offer short and simple and clear.


#5 Redirect to a Thank you page

There is a need for you to redirect the visitor to a Thank you page after they have finished filling the signup form on your landing page.

Also, your Thank You message should contain a concise message, links and supporting links that will benefit the customers. Above all, there is a need for you to engage the customer in order to understand the kind of products and offers they will be interested in.


#6 Share buttons

There is a need for you to add social media share icons so that your audience can share the offer with their friends across social media platforms. This will help you to generate more leads.


There is a possibility that your prospect may share to their followers, as a result exposing your brand to many people as well.


In my previous article, I have looked at some of the facts that you need to consider when it comes to creating an effective website. In this article, I want to look at some of the best practices for effective landing pages. In my previous articles, I have also said that the landing page is the first page that you see when you come to a website. I also said the website should be designed in such a way that it can convert prospects to customers and increase the conversion rate on a website. Follow me as we are going to look at that together in this article. 


#1 Matching Ad copy

When you are creating your content, you need to ensure that the Ads you have created matches your landing page. You should not make any attempt to deceive your audience into clicking your ads. For example, if you advertised about cats, make sure that your landing page also talks about cats as well. This will boost the confidence of your audience in your content. 


#2 CTA Above the fold 

Your Call To Action is the step that you would like your audience to take after they might have read your content. You need to make sure that the CTA is displayed where the audience will not have to scroll down before they can see it. This will increase the conversion rate for the landing page. Also, you can make use of Pop Up but some have argued that Google does not like pop up. Please tell me what you feel about this in the comment box.

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#3 Primary Headline

Also, when it comes to creating the landing page, you have to make sure that the primary headline on the landing page matches the ad campaign. From the title of the ad campaign, users should have an idea of what you are expecting them to do.


I have said that some of the audience will not have the time to go through the entire landing page. You need to make sure that the messages are clear from the beginning so that your audience will know what you are expecting of them.


#4 No unnecessary links 

In addition, when you are creating an effective landing page for your website, you need to make sure that all unnecessary links that will not contribute to the purpose of the website are removed. You need to also hide the Tabs that are normally available on your website. Those links are capable of distracting your audience. The only link that should be available on the page is those that lead to the payment page for the product. 

#5 No Tabs

Also, as part of the measures to increase the conversion rate on your landing page, you need to make sure that there are no Tabs on the landing page.


Having Tabs on the website that leads to other pages on your website other than the sales page will distract your customers and reduce patronage from that landing page, You need to make sure that those Tabs are hidden so that customers can concentrate on the product that they would like to buy from your website.


#6 Concise content

It is also advisable that your content should be simple and straightforward. There is no need for you to be beating about the bush when you are trying to make sales. You should avoid using complicated languages and sentences. An average reader should be able to understand the message that you are trying to pass across to your target audience. 


#7 Page alignment 

Also, when you are creating a landing page for your website you need to make sure that all pages and contents as well as paragraphs on the website aligned with one another. Al the elements of the pages must work together towards converting prospects to customers and increasing the conversion rate on the website.


#8 Graphics 

There is one thing that is very common when it comes to website creation, people love to see graphics and video, This will also them to have a deeper understanding of how the product actually works. You need to include graphics and videos on the pages.


If possible, make sure that the page also includes testimonials of people that have used the products and services that you have to offer.  This will definitely increase the conversion rate on your website.



#9 Keep Clients Testimonials 

One thing is common when it comes to buying products and services online, online customers will always want to hear what previous customers are about to say about the project. They tend to believe what those people have to say more than what you have to tell them. That is why, in order to generate more sales, you need to keep client testimonials.


Also, you do not have to put the testimonials of people that have bad recommendations about your products and services. Remember., it is your website, You have the right to decide on what you keep and what you discard.


#10 Social Sharing buttons

There is a for you to also add a social sharing button to your website. This will allow other prospects to share the offer with there friends on social media platforms. Putting a social sharing button on your landing page will also allow you to get new customers through existing customers. It is a cool way to reach a more target audience without breaking the bank.


#11 Optimise 

Another factor that you need to consider when to comes to creating a landing page is to optimise your landing page for appropriate keywords. You need to ensure that you place a premium on search engine optimization when you are creating a landing page. With time, if you are consistent, it will be possible for you to be getting traffic to your landing page without much hassle. 

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#12 Phone number and logo

There is a need for you to also add a phone number and logo to your landing page. This will definitely increase your branding identity. When your logo is added, it will leave a lasting impression in the mind of your audience.


There is a high tendency that such customers who do not buy your product knowledge will definitely come back and purchase your products and services at a future date. 


#12 Subscription form 

Also, just like I said in my previous article, you need to add a short subscription form on your website so that you can get vital information from your prospects. This will allow you to keep this information and enrol them in your drip program. As you continue to send them that information, it will allow you and your product to continue to resonate in the mind of your audience. 



13 Compare the actuals

Also, when it comes to the working of your website, there is a need for you to compare what you intend to achieve through the landing page and what you actually achieved at the end of it all. If this is done regularly, it will allow you to take the necessary steps that will drive you towards your goals. You will be able to determine whether your strategy is working or not. 



#14 Mobile responsive

When it comes to accessing the internet, you should know that most people will be accessing your landing page from mobile phones, that is why you need to create a landing page that is mobile responsive.


They should not have any inside reading the content or purchasing the product and making payment. All these should be done seamlessly from the prospect’s mobile phone., This will definitely increase the conversion rate for the landing page. 



#15 Localise the page

Also, when it comes to the creation of landing pages and campaigns, you need to localise the contents of the page. You have to make sure that the contents of the pages are presented in a simple language that the prospects can understand. You should also try to identify the benefits of using the products to the user. When you present scenarios that they can relate to, it will increase the response rate from the users. 


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Adeniyi Salau is a highly dedicated and committed Blogger of repute. He likes sharing his IT knowledge with others. My desire is to impact as many lives as possible with my IT skills. You can download my mobile APP. Download the ICTLOAD APP on Google Playstore. Thanks.

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