5 Types Of Email Security Threats: How To Handle It.
In my previous article. I have tried to look at some of the facts that you need to know about email communication generally. In this article, I want to focus attention on some of the different types of email security threats that you need to know. Follow me as we are going to look at this together in this article.
Here are some of the different types…
#1 Malicious user redirection
In this kind of attack, a mail may contain links that contain websites hosting malware and pornographic materials that may be harmful to the user receiving such links.
#2 Malicious email attachments
These attachments may contain a virus, Trojan, worms, or keyloggers among others. You should note that opening such attachments may infect your computer, That is why you should never click on links that come from an unknown email.
#3 Phishing
In simpler terms. a phishing email or website is a fake website or email looks real but they are actually fake. A phishing email may lure the victim to provide personal information after they might have clicked on those links. You have to be very careful when it comes to opening and clicking on email links. You should always hover over a link before you click on them so as to know where the final destination will be.
#4 Hoax/Chain Email
The user may receive hoax emails that contain false information telling him or her to forward the mail.
#5 Spamming
The user may receive spam emails that may contain malware allowing attackers to take control of the user’s computer.