Best Affiliate Marketing Anime Youtube 2023: With Examples.

Anime Youtube 2023


Anime as a company is doing pretty and they are still growing stronger. In 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemics, the company makes about $ 24 billion in sales. Although their sales were affected during the pandemic, that does not mean you can still not make money from Anime as a company.


In this article, I want to talk about Affiliate Marketing Anime Youtube 2022. I will be looking at some of the Affiliate Programs that they have and how you can use that in monetising your website. 



Here are some of the programmes that they have that you can actually consider:




#1 Right Stuff Anime

This Company happens to be one of the respected household names when it comes to anime title distribution. They are not new in the business as they have been doing that since 1987. They are also known for really some of the most popular titles in that category.


This company pays a 10% commission if you sign up for their anime affiliate marketing on Youtube. If you are also lucky to refer new customers, you will be paid 5% commission as well. They have many exciting products such as Blue-Ray, DVDs, toys and apparel among other exciting products. 



#2 Funimation Affiliate Marketing Anime Youtube 

This is another anime distributor that is doing wonderfully well. This company has been in existence since the year 1994 and they are responsible for the distribution of some of the award-winning anime titles as well.

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Just like Right stuff Anime, they also pay 10% for every sale generated and pay a 5% Welcome Bonus for every signup for their new customers as well. Their products also include Blue-Ray, DVDs and more just like their counterpart. 



#3 Anime Island Affiliate Marketing Anime Youtube 

This is an organisation that specialises in online retailing. They focused mainly on anime and manga productions. This company came into operation in 2022 and they have a wide range of anime and Manga products in their kitty.


Just like Funimation, they offer 10% commission on every customer referred, they also give a 5% bonus to new customers as well. Their product is also similar to that of their counterparts as well. 



#4 The Anime Corner Store 

The anime corner store also specialises in Anime and Manga products merchandise as well. It started operation in 2001 and has a wide range of products to offer its teeming customers.


Just like their fellow competitors, they also offer a 10% signup bonus to their affiliates and they also give a 5% welcome bonus to new customers that are buying from them for the very first time.



#5 Tokyo Otaku mode 

This company also specialises in anime and manga merchandise. They started operation in 2012 and have a wide range of products to show for it. Just like their other counterparts, when you sign up as an Affiliate, you get 10% for every sale that you refer. Your user also gets 5% commission once they sign up with them. 

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#6 Solaris Japan Affiliate Marketing Anime Youtube 

Solaris Japan Affiliate Marketing Anime Youtube has been in operation since 2006. They also have a wide range of products to offer their teeming affiliates and audience.


They also offer a 10 percent commission to their Affiliates for every customer that they refer to them as well as a 5% sign-up bonus for their new customers as well. 



#7 Amazon

When it comes to Amazon, they need no introduction. They are the largest online retailer in the world. They also deal with Anime and Manga products as well. They also offer a 10% commission to Anime affiliates working with them.


They also have 5% commission for anyone that purchases anime products from them as well. 


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