How To Create Video Discovery Ads

How To Create Video Discovery Ads

The steps are much the same for Video Discovery ads, until the point you choose your ad format.




For Video Discovery ads:

  • You must choose a thumbnail for your ad – think about how this will serve as the ‘teaser’ for your ad on the networks that you select.
  • You will write ad copy to accompany your thumbnails – this text follows the same guidelines for Google AdWords text ads.
  • When a user clicks on your Discovery ad, you can choose to bring them to either the video’s watch page on YouTube or your YouTube Channel page – you cannot direct users to an external website.


It’s very important to remember your companion banner when creating your video ads. A companion banner is a clickable thumbnail image that accompanies a TrueView in-stream ad. On a YouTube watch page, it appears next to the ad, in the top right corner (on a desktop computer).


You can choose from an auto-generated companion banner or upload your own.
The technical specifications for companion banners that must be adhered to are:
Dimensions: 300×60 pixels.
Maximum file size: 150KB.



Our third video ad format is the Bumper ad, a short, non-skippable format that is no longer than 6 seconds. You will have to have a video already edited to the required length. You will also have to bid on a CPM basis for these ads as they are not view or click-based.
Like you did before, sign in to AdWords and follow the below steps:


  • Click the campaigns tab and create a standard video campaign for your bumper ads.
  • Create your first adgroup and select the video you uploaded for this ad and select the Bumper Ads format.
  • Next, set your budget. “Bidding” will be set to Maximum CPM because of the bumper format.
  • Choose your basic initial settings – networks, locations you want to target, the language of your customers, and any advanced settings.
  • Click Save and continue.
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3 brands; X-box, La Mer and SurveyMonkey used bumper ads for different forms of storytelling, from remarketing to simple storytelling. Great examples of using short-form content to achieve your goals effectively.


X-box: Launch day of the X-box game Halo Wars 2, they invested heavily in remarketing with bumper ads


La Mer: Used bumper ads to efficiently drive awareness of the brand’s new makeup suite, with a bumper ad for each product of the suite.


SurveyMonkey: Used bumper ads to highlight the value and ease of its tool by messaging the main components of its platform: “creating surveys, collecting answers, and analyzing results”.

Advanced advertisers may choose to run a universal app campaign to promote their app across the web – but the solution is not as advanced as you may think once you already have an app live within the Play store.’

Create a universal app ad in your video campaign:

1. Sign into your AdWords account at
2. In the “Campaigns” tab, click +Campaign and select Universal App campaign.
3. Enter a campaign name. You might use a name that tells you this is an app installs campaign. The on-screen instructions will prompt you through the setup. The benefits of a Universal App Campaign is the wide variety and reach of this campaign which utilises a wide variety of creative assets.
4. Start by selecting the app you will be advertising from the drop-down menu, or “Add a new app” to enter a new one.
5. In the “Ads” section you can enter up to 4 individual lines of text, these will be rotated within your ads depending on the format being displayed
6. Upload your image assets, and be sure to remember:

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  • You can include up to 20 image files with a max size of 150KB.
  • Landscape images are most relevant for native ad units while portrait orientation is most valuable for interstitial content, particularly on mobile.


7. You can also include up to 20 YouTube videos for use as ad creative – in addition to automatically generated videos
created by AdWords with assets from your app store listing
8. Choose any target locations or languages. Just note that AdWords won’t translate your ads so your text and creative will have to align with these settings
9. In “Campaign Optimization” choose to optimize for Installs (gathering new users) or In-app Actions (new users likely to undertake an action, such as a purchase or profile creation).
10.Set target bids and budget – projected install volume is available for Android apps when your Play and AdWords accounts are linked

  1. Click “Save and Continue” to launch your campaigns.

Note: Android app installs will automatically be tracked in Google Ads.
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Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that because I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained include the staff of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, and New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your trainingYou can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training.

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