Optimizing Facebook Ads: How To Increase Revenue On Facebook

Facebook Ads



A common misconception about Facebook advertising is that it’s much more effective at driving traffic to your website than other social networks like Twitter or Instagram. While there’s nothing wrong with this line of thinking, it’s only part of the story.  



  Facebook can be highly effective at driving traffic to your website, but it can also be an easy way to waste money if you don’t know what you’re doing.   This article will walk you through how to optimize your Facebook ads and make the most out of your campaign.


#1 Test Your Ad Image

The first step to optimizing your Facebook ad is to test your ad image. Try different images and see which ones get the most clicks and conversions.


You can also use A/B testing to see which image performs better.   Split your audience into two groups and create a single campaign with one ad for each group.


Each campaign will have an identical target audience, bidding strategy, budget, etc., but only one of them will have an ad with a new or updated image. Then you’ll compare their performance metrics over time to see which one’s doing better.


Step 2: Test Your Ad Copy

Just like with any other marketing campaign, you need to test your ad copy before you launch your Facebook ad campaign. Try different headlines and images to see what works best for your target audience. Also, be sure to test different calls to action to see what gets the most clicks.


The more you test, the better your results will be. For example, it might seem silly to think that changing a headline from Join Us Now to See What You’ve Been Missing could make a difference in how many people click on the ad or how much money is spent on the ads.

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But if you run enough tests, eventually you will notice trends between certain types of ads and their performance.



Step 3: A/B Test Interest Groups

A/B testing is a key part of any successful marketing campaign, and Facebook ads are no exception. By testing different interest groups, you can determine which ones are most likely to convert.   Here’s how to set up an A/B test for your next Facebook ad campaign



1) Set up two different ads with similar copy but two different targeting audiences.

2) Once you’ve completed step one, select each audience separately to see which is performing better at that point in time.

3) As long as one of the audiences outperforms the other by 10% or more over 5 days, keep using that audience.

4) If there isn’t a significant difference between performance levels at this point in time, it may be best to abandon both audiences and create new ones to test with instead.

#4  Consider Bidding Strategies

One important aspect of optimizing your Facebook ads is choosing the right bidding strategy. The three main types of bidding strategies are; – cost-per-click (CPC), – cost-per-impression (CPM), and – cost per mille (CPA). Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so be sure to choose the one that best fits your goals.

Step 5: Get Valuable Feedback From Customers

Customer feedback is essential for any business, but it’s especially important when you’re first starting out. Not only will it help you improve your product or service, but it can also give you insights into what customers are really looking for. Here are a few ways to get valuable feedback from customers:

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1) Send surveys 2)

Use free social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

3) Survey customer phone calls 4) Review customer receipts


Remarketing is a powerful tool that can help you increase your lifetime value. By targeting people who have already interacted with your brand, you can create ads that are more relevant and likely to convert. Plus, remarketing can help you build relationships with customers and create loyalty.


Here’s how it works:

– When someone visits your website, they get tagged as a visitor. Then, if they don’t make a purchase or complete an action on your site within 30 days, they’re tagged as non-customers. – When someone becomes a non-customer, you’ll want to show them ads encouraging them to come back. –



When someone becomes a customer, you’ll want to show them ads promoting other products.   To target visitors and non-customers separately, use two different audiences on Facebook. One audience should include visitors only (and exclude those who’ve completed any type of conversion) while the other audience should include both visitors and non-customers (including those who’ve completed any type of conversion).


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