Web Development Vs SEO: The Major Relationship

Web Development Vs SEO

Web Development Vs SEO: The Major Relationship (+Examples)



Web development and SEO are two fundamental terms that you will always hear about if you have something to do with online activities. It is quite unfortunate some people do not know that these two concepts are related in one way or the other. In this article. I want to talk about relationships and differences when it comes to web development vs SEO. Follow me as we look at that together in this article. 



First and foremost you need to understand that these days website has just gone beyond putting something together in order to promote your brand. You also need to make sure that whatever website that you are creating follows some Search Engine Rules as well. This will want will guarantee that your content and the entire site rank higher on Search Engine.

What SEO is

I have several articles on SEO and I will not use this space to talk much about SEO again. SEO can be seen as the totality of all mechanisms that you adopt or deploy in order to ensure that your website and its contents ranked higher on the Search Engine Result Page. Just like I said in one of my articles, SEO generally can be divided into three parts which are On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO and Technical SEO. 

You should also understand that SEO consists of components such as keyword research, content creation and development, social media marketing and monetization as well as backlink generation and web hosting among others. 

Web Development

Web Development as a concept has to do with all that it entails to build, manage and maintain a website. As a web developer, you are saddled with the responsibility of ensuring that your website is working the way it is supposed to work at any given time. Some of the responsibilities of the web developer also include coding, web design and programming, database management and development, and web mobile accessibility among others. 

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