Leading The Way. AG Teen Sunday School Manual

Leading The Way


Text: 1 Tim 3:2-7; 4:7-8, 12-16; 2 Tim 1:13-14; 2:14-16; 3:16-17; Titus 1:6-11, 13

Key Verse: 1 Timothy 4:12
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. (NIV)

This study explores the qualification, preparation, and process of spiritual leadership. Many of your students are leaders, but don’t even realize it. Your presentation can help them understand and prepare for this important spiritual calling. After all, leadership is much about training future leaders as directing current followers. Perhaps the most important action you can take in identifying and training the spiritual leaders in your class is to believe in them.


As you prepare for this study, evaluate the quality of your own spiritual leadership. Do you meet the biblical requirements for holding a teaching position in the church? Are you truly leading and training to influence others for Christ, or are you simply going through the motions? Your answers could affect your students for eternity.
>>The Basic Message: Explain to students…


Spiritual leadership means influencing others through words and example to follow God’s instructions.

God uses young people to lead others in the Christian life.

Qualify to lead, prepare to lead, and start leading.


Discuss the following questions:

•How do you define leadership? Where did you get that idea? [Hint: Leadership is more than having power and position. Anyone who influences others is a leader.]
•Do you think everyone in this class could become a spiritual leader? Why or why not?


Explain that the apostle Paul was a great spiritual leader who spent much of his ministry starting and communicating with local churches. The Books of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus (commonly referred to as Pastoral Epistles) were written by him and addressed to Timothy and Titus-pastors of congregations greatly influenced by Paul. These epistles contain many of God’s instructions for local church life and leadership; and they provide great insight for anyone who wants to influence others for Christ.

>Study Overview: Explain that today’s study considers…

•How you can qualify to lead.
•How you can prepare to lead.
•How you can start leading.


Inform and Discuss


a). Qualifying to Lead
Explain that the phrase “raise the bar” refers to increase the challenge action in order to determine a winner. In a way, Christians are competing against evil in the world. Becoming like Christ is a way to defeat the enemy. Those who spiritually “raise the bar” in their lives are competitors whom God calls to lead others.

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1. Read or ask volunteer to read 1 Timothy 3:2-7; Titus 1:6-9. List what these passages say about the following: Reputation, Family, Self- control, and Maturity.


Answers should include the following items: Reputation: above reproach, respectable, good reputation with outsiders, hospitable, blameless. | Family: husband of one wife, have obedient children, good house-hold manager. | Self-control: temperate, not overbearing, not quick-tempered, not greedy, sober, peaceable, disciplined, gentle. | Maturity: able to teach, not a recent convert, firm in convictions, encouraging others.


2. Why is it important for spiritual leaders to have each of the qualities listed above?


Explain that God doesn’t expect spiritual leaders to be perfect, but He does set the bar high, ensuring that we won’t become apathetic and lazy. Don’t lose hope if you don’t meet all the qualifications. While He expects us to keep growing and gaining maturity, He also promises to help us grow as we ask Him for assistance. Then, as we qualify for leadership, we can lead.


b). Preparing to Lead

Explain that trying harder to do something through willpower doesn’t change your current ability and usually produces frustration. But training can produce success by building skill and stamina overtime.

1. Read or ask volunteers to read 1 Tim 4:7-8, 13, 16.


Why did Paul tell Timothy that reading and teaching on Scripture is central to training for spiritual leadership? [Hint: The Bible is the training manual for the Christian life. It explains everything we need to know about spiritual leadership-and life in general.


>>Guide: Explain that Christians train for leadership by arranging their lives around spiritual disciplines, allowing the Holy Spirit to transom their character.

2. Read or ask a volunteer to read 1 Tim 4:12, 14-15. What’s the difference between leading by force and leading by example? Hint: forcing others to do something requires an official position, such as being a boss, and is usually limited to adults. Leading by example is open to all ages and is more effective because others choose to follow.

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  What Is Truth. AG Sunday School Teen Manual

>>Guide: Explain that being young doesn’t mean you can’t be a spiritual leader. While you might not be elected to pastor a church, you can certainly influence people through your example. Your attitude, speech, and behaviour do affect those around you.

c). Starting to Lead

1. Read or ask a volunteer to read 2 Tim 1:13-14. What are some ways to find out how God wants you to lead others? [Hint: God speaks through things like His Word, prayer, the counsel of others, and circumstances.


Explain that spiritual leadership is spiritual. Leaders who ignore the power and direction of the Holy Spirit will simply manipulate others to follow their agendas. The best leaders are those who take the His instructions and take good advice from mentors before trying to lead others.


2. Read or ask volunteers to read 2 Tim 2:14-15; 3:16-17. Why does being a spiritual leader require more than being a good example? [Hint: Being a good example is a first step. But if we don’t explain our thoughts, feelings, and actions, those around us may not know that God is the reason for the difference in our lives.]
>>Note: Spiritual leaders bear the great responsibility of instructing others concerning the Bible.

3. Read or ask volunteers to read 2 Tim 2:16; Titus 1:10-11, 13. When is it okay to correct or rebuke a fellow Christian? How should such correction take place? [Hint: People who claim to be Christians but blatantly distort or disobey the teachings of God’s Word due to ignorance or rebelliousness should be graciously challenged. Without gossiping, the spiritual leader should address the issue privately with the person. The leader should humbly ask for clarification before accusing.


>>Guide: Explain that if the person continues to the offense, the leader should seek help from a trusted pastor or elder and follow Jesus’ instructions in Matthew 18:15-17. In summary, spiritual leadership requires us to rely on the Holy Spirit, take advice from our own mentors, share spiritual insights with others, and humbly correct those in error.


Before class, prepare a list of classroom leadership duties with which students could assist you. Examples include teaching a whole of partial sessions, gathering supplies for activities, welcoming guest, etc. Distribute this list, and have students volunteer for specific assignments that have clear gals, guidelines, and time lines. With input from the teens’ pastor and/or facilitators, make students aware of other leadership duties in your Teens Solution chapter

PEOPLE ALSO READ:  Homosexuality: A Distortion Of God's Gift. AG Teen Manual.

>>Inspire Them: Remind students THE BASIC MESSAGE of this study (pg 10), explaining WHAT the Big Idea behind the study is; WHY it matters; and HOW we can live the lesson captured in this study.

>Ministry Activity: DON’T NEGLECT THE GIFT

Read 1 Tim 4:14 again, and offer to pray for those teens who sense a call to spiritual leadership or would like to learn more about it. Have other students gather around these individuals, and ask God to give them a clear purpose and assistance in influencing others for His glory.

>>Conclude the study by reminding students that being a positive spiritual influence on others starts now, not in the future.


Mon: Imitate Worthy Leaders – Heb 13:7-8
Tue: Be Not Weary – Gal 6:9
Wed: Be Not Afraid – Isa 41:10
Thu: Perseverance Pays – James 1:12
Fri: He Knows You – Jer 1:5
Sat: The Leader’s Path – Matt 20:20-28


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