Highlighting Major Outputs Of Project Life Cycle

Outputs Of Project Life Cycle: The Major Outputs



In my previous article, I looked at some of the facts that you need to know about the project life cycle. In this article, I want to talk about some of the outputs of the project life cycle. Follow me as we are going to look at this together in this article.



I want you to note that when it comes to project outputs, the outcome of a phase will become an input into the next phase.


Now let’s look at some of the outputs of these phases…


  • Project purpose
  • Goals and objectives 
  • Project charter
  • Assignment of a project manager, management sponsor, functional manager, and user representative. 


  • Project plan
  • Scope management plan
  • Scope statement 
  • Work Breakdown Structure 
  • Activity list
  • Project network diagram 
  • Activity duration estimates.
  • Project schedule
  • Schedule management plan
  • Resource requirements
  • Cost baseline 
  • Coat estimates 
  • Quality Assurance plan 
  • Communication plan 
  • Resource management plan 
  • Roles and responsibilities 
  • Assignment of resources 
  • Risk management plan
  • Procurement management plan 
  • Statement of work 

#3 Executing

  • Intermediate or final work results and deliverables.
  • Change requests
  • Project plan updates.
  • Quality improvements
  • Proposal and contracts


#4 Monitoring and Control

  • performance reports
  • Change requests
  • Project plan updates
  • Corrective action

#5 Closing

  • Formal acceptance and closure
  • Project archives
  • Contract files
  • Lessons learned

Understanding The Project Lifecycle For Projects

When it comes to projects, there are stages that projects pass through from the beginning of a project to the end of a project. In this article, I won’t talk about some of the facts that you need to know about the project Lifecycle. Follow me as we are going to look at this together in this article. 



Before you can begin planning and managing your project, you need to define the project’s needs, determine which processes are appropriate, and ascertain the degree of rigour needed to meet the project’s s objectives. To do this, you will identify the project management processes that are generally recognized as good practices across industry groups.



Effective project managers combine their skills and knowledge with appropriate processes to meet project objectives and deliver results in line with corporate strategies.



By identifying the main elements of effective project management processes, you can enhance the chances of success over a wide range of projects across application areas and industries.

The project life cycle …

In order to improve management control, projects are broken down into manageable, sequential phases of work activities. Project phases taken together, are referred to as the project life cycle.

Project lifecycles may have four or five phases, which can vary because the lifecycle is customised to meet the need of specific projects.

A project lifecycle is marked by the beginning and the end of the project. During the initial phase, the project’s general scope and timing are determined.

During the intermediate phases, detailed planning occurs along with the actual work activities. In the final phase, project closing activities occur.

The characteristics…

Though project differs in nature, size, and complexity, they display criteria common characteristics. At the beginning of the project, the cost and staff levels are quite low. They reach the peak once the work is carried out and drop rapidly upon project completion.

Influences, uncertainties, and risks involved with stakeholders are high at the project start and diminish over the life of the project.

Likewise, the ability to influence the characteristics of the final product, without impacting the project cost, is high during the initial stages of a project and low towards project completion.


The Requirement Traceability Matrix is a document that is created by associating the project’s deliverables with the requirement for each deliverable. Before the products are finalized, they are tested to check if the deliverables meet the specified requirements.


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Adeniyi Salau

Adeniyi Salau is a highly dedicated and committed Blogger of repute. He likes sharing his IT knowledge with others. My desire is to impact as many lives as possible with my IT skills. You can download my mobile APP. Download the ICTLOAD APP on Google Playstore. Thanks.

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