Who Is A Disciple. Part 5. RCCG SOD Year 2

Who Is A Disciple. Part 5. RCCG SOD Year 2

Being Like Jesus in Zeal

WHAT is zeal?

It is a burning desire to get things done A This leads us to a determination that whatever obstacle that may be on the way, this obstacle will be used as fuel or the energy of the zealous. It is like pouring water on petrol fire. The early Christians achieved So much inspite of persecution, because they were zealous. The more the persecution, the more determined they became. Our Lord Jesus Christ was very zealous from his youth.

In Luke 2:42-49, the Bible tells us that after the family came to Jerusalem to worship and the parents left, they left Jesus behind in the temple. He was there talking with the professors, arguing with them, showing them the scriptures, for three days. Within the three days, 1 am not sure He ate anything. The parents had gone and I am sure he had no money with Him. He was so jealous for the work of His father.


In John 4:31-35, when Jesus was ministering to the Samaritan by the well, the disciples called him to come and eat but He told the disciples I don’t need food, my food is to do the will of him that sent me’. He was so zealous that he didn’t even care for food but to do the will of God who sent Him. God is very zealous, so Jesus was closely following the examples of His father.

In John 5:17 Jesus Christ said,

“My father worketh hitherto and I work.”

After God had created the heaven and earth in six days and had rested on the seventh day. He continued to work. The Almighty God is working. If God is working, you too as His disciple should be working.

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The zeal of the Almighty is doing the following: (1) The Almighty is busy bringing light to those who

are in darkness, the ignorant, the sick, the sinner and the demon possessed – Isaiah 9:2-7.

2) Bringing joy to those who are sorrowful.

3) The zeal of the Lord is breaking yokes in the life of the people.

4) Delivering the oppressed from the oppressor, including those who are lawful captives (Isaiah 49:24 – 25 ) who must be set free forcefully. Waging war with fire against the forces of darkness.

(6) Hastening the return of the Messiah.

(7) Establishing the kingdom of heaven on earth,

Jesus said whatever I see my Father doing, I do the same thing. The father is zealous, so is the Son, so mu be the disciples of the Son. But our zeal must be with knowledge because in Romans 10:1-2, Paul talked about zeal without knowledge. He said:

“Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God of Israel is, that they might be saved. For I bear then record that they have a zeal of God, but no according to knowledge.”

How can we be zealous?

We can be zealous in the following ways:

(1) By witnessing, teaching and reminding the enemies of God about His word (Psalm 119:139). Many people have forgotten the word of God. Now many people even preach today and they don’t refer to the word of God. They spend all the time telling stories. And they talk about what they have done and what they have achieved. Our own zeal must be to get the word of God to the people because heaven and earth will pass away but the word of God will stand forever.

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(2) Ministering to the saints (II Corinthians 9:1-2). Our Lord was zealous in ministering to the saints. He is always feeding the multitude spiritually and physically.

Our lord was always zealous in good works. Therefore as disciples we must be zealous in good works (Titus 2:13-14). The reason we are saved , sanctified and set aside is that we can be zealous in good works. 

(4) We should be in repentance of Not the win of fornication and lying because these cannot be found among the disciples, but of the sin of laziness  and Inactivity. For at times were sleeping when we should be awake and praying (Revelation 3:19)

(5) We must be zealous in faith. Our faith must be the kind that will challenge others so that they too will become as zealous as ourselves for the Lord (John 6:28. 29)

(6) We must be zealous for spiritual gifts. 

a. So that we may edify the church, build up the church and make the church strong (1 Corinthians 14:12).

(b) So that we may be able to destroy all evil

(c) works (II Kings 10:15-17) So that we can cleanse the body of Christ.

When Jesus Christ was driving some people out of the temple, He said, ‘do not convert my father’s house to den of thieves’. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, there should be nothing impure there. The temple can be the church of the living God, it can even be this nation (John 2:13-17).

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(7) We must be zealous in intercession, Isaiah 59:16-17.



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