In my previous article, I talked about some of the facts that you need to consider when you need to host your website. I have also talked about some of the reasons why you should analyse your data for analysis. In this article, I want to talk about how to segment valuable data for analysis. Follow me as we are going to look at this together in this article.
When it comes to the analysis of data, there are times that you will have to gather as much data as you can. You need to understand that it is not all data that you gathered that are relevant.
You will need to group your data based on their relevance. This at times, will allow you to do a proper analysis of your data in order to make effective decisions. To do this effectively, you need to segment your data based on the characteristics that they have in common.
Please note that the data collected in the previous steps need to be segmented in order to make web analytics work effectively. That is why you have to adopt the use of acquisition-based segmentation in your data analysis.
#1 Action-based segmentation
When you carry out action-based segmentation, you are segmenting users and visitors based on the actions they performed on your website. This at times can assist you in understanding some of the characteristics that your users have in common. It can also help in creating strategies to drive visitors to your website such as banner ads, SEO, email, and Pay Per Click among others.
These steps can also help in identifying areas where your company spends extra money to acquire traffics. This allows you to come up with strategies to avoid such extravagant spending and come up with strategies that are more cost-effective.
#2 Behaviour-based segmentation
This is based on the activities carried out by the visitors on your websites such as viewing every page on your website, subscribing to your blog, and RSS subscription among others. Please note by identifying and focusing on the behaviour, you can understand what your customer wants and work on how you can meet their needs.
There are some parameters that are used for behaviour-based segmentation, this includes:
- Total page views
- Total bounce rates
- Average time on site.
- Number of returning visitors
- Actions performed by returning visitors on-site.
- In-depth browsing performed by visitors on your site to extract information
- Visitor’s frequency
#3 Outcome-based segmentation
This is based on all crucial activities for your business such as making a purchase, signing up for email newsletters, and downloading content from your site among others.
This also focuses on a group of visitors who have delivered good outcomes instead of individual outcomes. It also helps in investing in campaigns that generate a profitable outcome for your business.
Here are some of the parameters for outcome-based segmentation:
- Customers who placed online orders and the person who submitted the lead.
- Customers and the product they bought, ordered size and quantity among others.
7 Data Collection Methods For Data Analytics
In my previous article, I looked at some of the facts that you need to consider when it comes to hosting a website. In this article, I want to look at some of the major data collection methods that can be deployed when you need to collect data from your audience. Most times, the collection of this day will let you understand what the audience feels about your products and services. It will also assist you in taking the right steps so that you can continue to engage customers on your website.
When it comes to data collection for web analytics, there are several methods that can be used to collect data from users. You should note that most of these data can be collected without the consent of the users. The reason is that some of the users might not want to give you some facts that you need to make the right decisions. You have to decide based on the actions that users are performing on your website. Some of these methods that can be used for the collection of data without the user’s consent include a weblog, javascript, tagging, and packet sniffing among other methods.
Apart from the data collection methods that I have mentioned, here are some of the other methods that can be used for data collection:
- Survey
- Emails
- Customer comments
- Expert review
- Competitor Analysis
- Market research reports
- Campaign statistics
#1 Survey
One of the means of getting feedback from your customers is through the use of survey forms. You can decide to share survey forms with your audience in order to aggregate their opinions about your products and services. This will allow you to sample what your customers feel about your products and services based on the different segments that they belong to.
#2 Emails
Another means of aggregating the opinion of your customers and visitors is through the use of emails. You can actually request the opinion of your customers and visitors about your website. Please note that except that some of these visitors are complaining about poor services, they might not want to pen down what they feel is wrong with your services. You will have to figure out what the problem is on your own. That is why feel that email is not the best method for knowing what customers feel about your products and services.
#3 Customer comments
One of the means of gathering more data about your customers is through customer comments. When you post an article, or customers have cause to complain about products and services you have offered them. If you really take the time to go through their comments, it can give you an idea of what customers have to say about your products and services. This will give you an idea of how you can serve them better.
#4 Expert review
There are times that you should invite Subject Matter Experts to review your customer engagement strategy. You might need this category of people at times to give you direction on how you can serve your customers better. Their in-depth analysis at times can give you an idea of how you can actually serve your customers better.
#5 Competitor Analysis
When it comes to online business or any other type of business, you can not close your eyes to what your competitors are doing. There is a need for you to gather as much data as possible about your competitors as well as some of the reigning keywords that your competitors are bidding for. This will allow you to know some of the ideas that you can borrow from your competitors. It may also give you an idea of what your competitors are doing that might interest your audience as well.
#6 Market Research Statistics
There are times that the marketing department or other departments in the organisation will have to carry out research in order for them to have a better understanding of customers’ positions regarding their products and services. Some of these reports will allow organisations to plan product development properly. They will now have a general idea of what customers expect from their products and services. It will also assist them in understanding the reasons why customers are buying their products and services as well.
#7 Campaign statistics
One of the major areas that online businesses should take seriously is the aspect of campaign management. you need to analyse campaigns in order to determine whether there are some campaign strategies that can be reused or jettison. After you might have run any campaign, you need to sit down and look at how such a campaign has performed. This will assist you in deciding if there are aspects of the campaign that can be useful for the future. This will allow you to run an effective campaign that really works.
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