SEO Action Plan For Content Writing: An Analysis (+Examples)
Open Google Search Console (if you have access to it), check the crawl errors report to see if you can see any site or URL errors. If there are URL errors, review what type of errors there are and whether they are for important web pages.
One of the most common types of errors is a “404 page not found”. This means that a URL used to exist but it doesn’t anymore. This could be that the page has been deleted or the URL has been changed. If the page has been deleted, sometimes it’s best to 301 redirect the old URL to the next most relevant page. Similarly, if a URL has been changed, the old URL should be 301 redirected to the new URL.
Soft 404 errors are strange because they often look like normal error pages, where a message says the page could not be found but rather than return a server response code of 404, they actually return a server response code of 200. A 200 response code tells search engines that everything is OK but in this case, it is contradicted by a page not being able to be found. The fix to this, it usually requires letting your web developer or technical person know and they can tweak the web server settings.
The best way to learn SEO is through practice and repetition. For this exercise, decide on a website that you wish to test out your on-page optimization skills on. Pick 10 topics/landing pages to research, then decide on their best keywords and then outline the key on-page optimization elements. The reference URL below will take you to a Google spreadsheet where you can follow the on-page optimization template.
From there, you can:
- Download the spreadsheet (File à Download as), or
- Make a copy (File à Make a copy..) which requires you to be signed in to a Google account.
You can use Open Site Explorer to benchmark your website against competitors. If you haven’t used a Moz product before, create a free community account:
You will now need to benchmark a website against three of its top competitors for key Moz metrics. You only need to enter the homepage URL of each site to record the homepage Page Authority, Domain Authority and Root Domain Links.
Review to see how far or close your website is from the competition and gauge how much extra work is required for off-page optimization success. The higher each metric is, the more likely it is to perform for off-page optimization.
By changing the Inbound Links filter, you get a better idea of how the whole domain is performing, specifically for backlinks that can pass PageRank.
What to do:
- Setting the Target to “this root domain” ensures backlinks are reported for the whole domain and not just the URL (e.g. homepage URL) that you enter
- Setting the Link Source to “only external” ensures that you only get backlink information and filters out internal links
- Setting the Link Type to “only follow” ensures that you’ll only see backlinks that actually pass PageRank and filter out those that do not
Then, review the incoming link and highlight the top three backlinks that you feel offer the most value.
When deciding on the best ones, bear in mind the page authority of each but also consider how relevant the backlinks are to the industry and whether they felt authentic or not.
The benefits of using pay-per-click advertising are:
#1 Relevance
One of the very first thing about Google Ads is that your article will only show up where it is important. If you use the right keyword, your article will only show up to customers who are ready to buy. This will increase the conversion rate for your products. It will also ensure that you get ROI on your investment.
#2 Timing
When you are bidding for a particular keyword and your ads continue to run, you can be sure that your like will always show up anytime someone search for that particular keyword. Bidding for a particular keyword ensures that your product always shows up anytime that customers have to make a buying decision.
#3 Qualified nature of the visitor
When you are bidding for a particular keyword with Google ads, you can be sure that you are dealing with an active customer. Most times, when a keyword or a link shows up and it is not what I am actually looking for, I may be passive in terms of how I am looking for, If it happens to be the exact product that I am looking for, the tendency that I will buy that product is very high.
#4 Control
With Google ads, you are in absolute control. You have control of over budget, ads and keywords. You can increase or reduce your ads budget, at times, when you post an article and it is ranked on a search engine, you don’t really have power over the article on a search engine but when it comes to Google ads, you can actually pause your ads if you feel that the ads are not performing as expected,
#5 Accountability
One thing you cannot take away from Google Ads is the level of transparency and accountability that comes with it. You can actually see how many times your articles appeared in a search result and how many clicks you have gathered, In a nutshell, it comes with reports that allow you to decide on whether you should continue with the ads or not. This will allow you to make reasonable decisions on whether to change your keyword or make other adjustments to your campaign.
#6 Visibility
Even among the illiterates, you will always hear “Ask Google’. Google is very popular. The company commands about 85 percent of searches worldwide. So, if you are using Google Ads, you have to know that you are launching yourself to a wider market. Running your ads in this regards will allow your ads to be seen by as many audiences as possible.
#7 Measurability
Another importance of Google Ads is that it also you to focus on some metrics and decide on how you have performed based on that metrics. You can measure the number of clicks , calls and messages that you have received. Please note that every ads have goals that they wanted to achieve. These measurements will allow you know if your ads are achieving the desired goals.
Keywords, Landing Pages and Ad Copy are the three fundamental pieces of a PPC campaign. Always consider how these three items relate to each other to ensure your campaign is relevant to searcher intent.
Keywords: Start out by giving Google a list of keywords, which tells Google to serve your ads on the results page when people search for those keywords
Ads: The advertiser writes copy which they believe answers the user’s search query. Ads should be relevant to the associated keywords in terms of their product/service to ultimately drive clicks to the website
Landing Pages: The landing page should be relevant to the keyword and the ad for optimum results.
Keyword lists are the list of word combinations that you would like your ad to show for when a potential customer searches.
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