Some Notable Blogging Statistics For Bloggers (+Examples)

Some Notable Blogging Statistics For Bloggers


Knowing about the current situation in the market is very useful. Below please find some interesting results made by different studies. These studies illustrate the state of blogging and online marketing. It helps you understand the importance of blogging as a business tactic and how it can be integrated into an online business.


• Featuring a blog as a key part of your website will give you a 434% better chance of being ranked highly on search engines. (Tech Client)
• B2B marketers are much more likely to use blogging (75%) when compared to B2C marketers (61%). (Social Media Examiner)
• 65% of marketers plan to increase the use of blogging. (Social Media Examiner)

• Companies that published 16+ blog posts per month got almost 3.5X more traffic than companies that published 0-4 monthly posts. (HubSpot)
• Most bloggers (53%) are publishing at least weekly. (OrbitMedia)
• Most bloggers (64%) write for more than one blog. (OrbitMedia)
• The average word count of top-ranked content in Google is between 1,140-1285 words (SearchMetrics)
• Over 409 million people view more than 22.2 billion pages each month. (WordPress)
• There are over 4 million blog posts written each day. (InternetLiveStats)
• 85% of B2B marketers contribute their increased success over the last year to content creation. (Content Marketing Institute)
• 52% of B2B marketers say that blogging is a tactic that will be most critical to the overall content marketing success in 2017. (Content Marketing Institute)
• Ninety-two percent of respondents said their organization views content as a business asset. (Content Marketing Institute)
• Most common ways to generate revenue through blogging is using display ads, affiliate marketing links and search ads. (Tech Client)

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• There is a general increase in the use of promotion channels. Search, email, paid and influencer marketing are all up. Social media is still by far the most common method for getting the word out. 93% of bloggers share their content on social networks. (OrbitMedia)
• Small businesses with blogs generate 126% more leads. (Tech Client)
• Websites with blogs have 97% more indexed links. (Tech Client)
• After reading recommendations on a blog, 61% of U.S. online consumers made a purchase. (Content Marketing Institute)
• 43% of people admit to skimming blog posts. (HubSpot)
• Three out of four (76%) respondents use email marketing technology to manage content marketing efforts. Other digital content marketing technologies used include CMS, content collaboration/workflow software, marketing automation software, etc. (Content Marketing Institute).

The highlights that can be concluded from all of these statistics are the following:

• The number of blog posts published each day is enormous. Quality has become a necessity to get noticed and reach your audience through blog content.
• Blogging is more popular among B2B companies than among B2C businesses.
• Blogging regularly can significantly help you improve your business objectives.
• Blogging affects buying decisions.
As you continue with reading this ebook, you will see even more benefits of blogging. You will see how this online marketing strategy is slowly becoming the number one method to reach and affect online users.


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