SEO Expert Tips For Newbie Bloggers: How Newbie Bloggers Can Get It Right

SEO Expert Tips

Here are some of the SEO tips for Newbie Bloggers. 

#1 Learn and test

Learn and gather as much knowledge from the community as you can – there are SEO tips and tricks being shared daily that will help you in your practice – but don’t be afraid to test your own ideas and theories to see what works.


Even if that just comes down to testing particular content angles – such as satire – that you don’t really see many people talking about but you noticed that one random blog did it and picked up a ton of links.


There are many fundamentals in SEO and lots of “hacks” that might sidetrack you. I think it’s healthy to focus on the former but experiment with the latter as well.


#2 Playing with the content dates

For many years I’ve been focused on the topic of freshness and how people “game” the dates in search results to their favor so something appears to be updated, even if it hasn’t been. Lots of big sites fake this, and it’s interesting to see how they go about it.

There’s no guarantee that a fresher date associated with your article will improve rankings, but I have done multiple personal case studies when I’ve seen them help. I actually think you’ll find this tweet pretty interesting. I found that only one page on my site of a certain style wasn’t ranking, and that’s probably because Google thought it was written 12 years ago (!).

Knowing the “hacks” in this case – like knowing how to make Google see a fresher date – is why I mentioned in answer one you should always look to go beyond the fundamentals.
So this wasn’t a new technique for me, but I’m re-learning it all the time.

Matthew Woodward

SEO Specialist,

#1 Don’t be afraid to make mistakes

The world of SEO is so vast and ever-changing! You can complete all the courses you can get your hands on (or afford) and still feel completely daunted. My best advice to any beginner would be to get some basic SEO knowledge then get stuck in.


The best way to learn SEO is on the job, so be practical and hands-on from the off. Go one step at a time and don’t be afraid to make mistakes, as they say…
Your last mistake is your best teacher!


Which is lucky for me because I made loads…and learned from them.


2. Do not underestimate internal linking

I have recently rediscovered the power of internal link building. This is the only type of link building where you have complete control. I’m not sure about aha it was more of a duh moment.


Internal link building is where a link you place on your domain takes you to another page on the same domain. These links will help Google to discover new content when you publish it, rank the pages that have links pointing to them and they help you generate more income.


Some SEO techniques go in and out of fashion but internal link building should always be on your list of priorities.

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Julia McCoy

CEO at Express Writers

#2  Invest in quality web services

Invest in your website without hesitation, once you’ve found reliable and trustworthy services and providers. From hosting to UX, design and copy, don’t skimp!


The highest-ranking sites of the future are fast, clean, user-friendly, and full of useful, valuable web copy. An investment today in a good site can reap huge dividends in the long run.


#2  Long-tail keywords are the way to go

Mobile voice search (Siri) and smart devices (Google Home, Alexa) in our homes are changing the way our audience searches on Google. This is a huge factor to consider when researching keywords in tools like KWFinder or SEMrush (my favorite tools).


Longer-tail keywords and even an entire question (sometimes 5-8 words!) are our new keyword phrases to work with. If you don’t find data on a long-tail keyword, search it in Google. If you see anything in the results, there is data and there are people searching for it. Don’t just stop at a “low search volume” in an SEO tool.


You might reap more benefits by going after a keyword string without data that will be used by more and more people in the days to come. I can’t recommend this enough.
Match your keywords and SEO usage to the way people are searching today and in the future!

Ashley Faulkes

Founder of Mad Lemmings

#1 Stick to the basics

Don’t focus on all the small stuff. Instead, stick to the basics that will get you results.

  1. A website that treats the visitor with respect and helps them (also fast and good on mobile)
  2. Top-notch content that is designed to really address the reader’s question/search (aim for better than the competition)
  3. Well researched keywords – not just the most traffic or most obvious keyword for your website/industry

#2  It’s not only about links

It’s not all about links anymore. Instead, Google is focused on helping the reader/user. So, you better be too. That means upping your game on your website in every respect.
And not just focusing on fast to produce content, and then links links links. It just does not work so well anymore and will work even less in the future.

Chris Dreyer

Founder & CEO at

#1 Follow industry news

My advice to beginners would be the same as it is to the experts; never stop learning. Search (and the technology surrounding it) never stops changing and it’s doing so rapidly. Agencies and professionals that are doing SEO the same way they were 6 months ago are already at a disadvantage.

Plug yourself into resources like Google’s Webmaster Blog, the Twitter feeds of notable Google employees like John Mueller, follow industry-leading publications like Search Engine Land, Search Engine Journal, Moz, and others.

Never stop checking the pulse of the industry and learning from the people and businesses that are involved in it.

#2 Fewer, in-depth articles

Fairly recently, my team and I discovered that producing mountains of content was not doing us any good. Yes, it’s important to keep producing fresh content on a regular basis but generating dozens of blog posts that do not cover a topic in-depth and lack of strong promotion are ultimately wasting time.

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It’s a far better approach to produce fewer, much more in-depth articles and promote them aggressively using outreach, social syndication, link building, and email. This strategy has helped position us as an authority in the SEO industry and generate more traffic to our site.

Maddy Osman

SEO Content Strategist, The Blogsmith

#1 Start a website and go step by step…

In terms of SEO, I’d recommend that you start a website – either for your business or a passion project. The point is to test out various strategies and create a proof of concept.

Take the time to learn about on-page SEO best practices, then dig into link-building strategies, and take some time to understand how technical website aspects can also impact your SEO.

As you level up in each area, run experiments on your website to see how your search rankings are impacted.

Make sure to employ the use of SEO auditing tools (like SE Ranking), as well as keyword ranking tools (like Ahrefs), to get a good idea of your success and what causes it. Also, install/configure Google Analytics and Google Search Console for additional insights.

#2 Find low-hanging fruit in Search Console

One of the most interesting and compelling recent SEO aha moments I’ve had was learning about and implementing Brian Dean’s (Backlinko) Google Search Console hack.

A client asked me to help incorporate it on his website and now I’m anxious to try it out for my websites, too! The hack involves combing through Google Search Console data to determine which keywords you’re coming up for in search but not ranking for — then adding those keywords into your content. Simple, right?

Sean Si

CEO & Founder of SEO Hacker

#1 Experiment!

Never stop experimenting. The value of experimentation outweighs knowledge that has never been applied. This is not to discredit all the resources a person can use to increase their knowledge in SEO. However, the application is always better than memorization.

The SEO landscape is always changing and common strategies will always be left behind by constant algorithm updates and changes. This is why experimentation is the key to getting the first spot in Google SERPs. It allows you to know what works and what doesn’t while enabling you to improve your craft.

#2 Content is (still) the king

Every SEO specialist knows that the word count is a vital part of content because the longer it is, the more information you can incorporate inside the blog post – increasing the post’s value to users and Google. In turn, Google ranks your post higher in the SERPs and increases the chances of it ranking for the top spot.

I realized it when we ran an experiment that involved increasing our monthly blog post’s word count from 1000 words to a little bit over 1500 for a particular keyword that lost its spot in the first page. After a certain amount of time of tracking the keyword rankings, we’ve noticed that it was slowly improving.

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Right now, the keyword has regained its spot on the first page. However, we’re still running the experiment and waiting for better results. This instance just reinforces the notion that “Content is King”.


As you can see, people who work in the SEO industry on a daily basis have various views on what is the most important thing to remember as an SEO beginner.

Although the answers vary, we can see certain recurring topics and themes. Most experts agree that it is crucial to stick to the SEO basics, focus on the quality of the content rather than just quantity and be careful about all the “SEO tips” you will find on the internet – not all of them are reliable.


It is also important to learn SEO by actually doing it. One can only learn something if they get their hands dirty and sometimes learn from their own mistakes. Although it may seem like a cliché, we all know that often it is very tempting to theorize about everything without actually trying it.
Do you have any SEO tips you would like to share with the others? What was your last SEO aha moment?

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