Metrics For Video Campaigns: How To Measure The Success Of Video Campaigns.

Understanding Metrics For Video Campaigns

 Metrics For Video Campaigns: How To Measure The Success Of Video Campaigns.



There are similar metrics available for Video campaigns, with some dedicated metrics for this format:

  • Impressions: Recorded when the ad is served for five seconds or more (In-Stream) or the ad appears on the search results page (Discovery).
  • Views: Recorded when a user watches 30 seconds or more, or the full video (whichever comes first) on an In-Stream ad
  • View Rate: The number of views expressed as a percentage of the number of impressions
  • Clicks: Recorded when a user clicks on your website, the Companion Banner, a YouTube Card, or the link to your app
  • Cost Per View (CPV)The bidding mechanism used for Trueview ads where the advertiser is charged once a view or click is recorded – whichever comes first. Your CPV is an aggregate of both Views and Clicks, and you are only charged once per ad for an interaction (view or click) – whichever comes first
  • CPM: The bidding mechanism used for Bumper Ads that allows the advertiser to pay every time a thousand impressions are delivered
  • Video Played to 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%: Analyze what percentage of viewers watched each point of the video. It may help to identify if there is a drop-off early in the video and if users are engaged or not.

How To Do Audience Targeting In Video Ads

In this article, I will be looking at targeting and bidding options and how we can use them to run the most efficient campaigns possible. In particular, we will look at:
1. On-Point Targeting
2. Right Person with Audience Targeting
3. Right Place with Contextual Targeting
4. Introducing Advanced Targeting
5. Refine further with Targeting Exclusions
6. Set up and Start Remarketing
7. Brilliant Bidding

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Put very simply, targeting allows you to place your ad in front of the right people and on the right websites.
Targeting increases audience engagement by ensuring ads are displayed to the right users as often as possible. Accomplishing this reduces wasted spending on impressions or clicks and increases the likelihood that campaigns will deliver a positive ROI.

You may choose to start your targeting strategy by using the Display Planner tool. This shows you the potential reach and cost of targeting ideas to help you plan your display and video campaigns.
It can be a good place to start when you begin running campaigns for the first time. You must be logged into Google AdWords in order to use the Display Planner. See the link in the references below.
1. Navigate to the Display planner either via the link below or by clicking the wrench icon in Google AdWords. Under ‘Planning’ click ‘Keyword Planner.
2. Here you have a number of options:

  • Search for targeting ideas using a website, phrase or category: This is the most widely used, as it gives you a multitude of targeting options based on the input of a broad sense of what type of targeting you are interested in.
  • Find top placements by location: This allows you to look at the top partner websites, YouTube channels, and videos by country.
  • Get inventory details for your targeting: This is useful if you know what targeting options you are going to go after, you can enter your targeting here and get a rough estimate of what volumes of impressions you have the opportunity to show.
  • Get performance forecasts for your targeting: You can go one step further and input budgeting/CPV info to see what type of performance you can expect.
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Action Point
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Adeniyi Salau is a highly dedicated and committed Blogger of repute. He likes sharing his IT knowledge with others. My desire is to impact as many lives as possible with my IT skills. You can download my mobile APP. Download the ICTLOAD APP on Google Playstore. Thanks.

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