URL For SEO: Why They Are Important (+Examples)
This article talks about some of the reasons why URL are important for SEO.
- It’s a lightweight on-page SEO signal
- They are seen in the search results so they can attract click-throughs when relevant
- Search Engines index and retrieve pages based on the URL – and build up search engine trust through them
By default, URLs are often generated from the main heading of the page by the CMS. This is good as default as relevancy is added but the downside is that they often become long and repetitive, so ideally they need to be changed to something different and shorter.
How to optimize URLs:
- Include the main keyword or a close variation
- Keep short and concise (around 70 characters before truncation)
- Set URLs right at the beginning
- Stick to conventions
- Use dashes “-” instead of underscores “_” to separate words
- Use lowercase characters
Headings help outline what a webpage is about. They are used in a similar way as Microsoft Word. The main heading should be within an H1 tag, secondary headings in H2 tags, tertiary in H3 tags and this can go all the way up to H6 tags.
Why headings are important:
- Headings are one of the first things a user notices and the main heading (H1 tag) needs to be relevant to what they have searched. Users scan a page’s headlines before deciding whether to read the whole page or go back to where they have come from.
- It’s a medium weight on-page SEO signal and adds relevancy to the page.
Why URLs Are Important For SEO
There are six header tags (H1 through to H6) that are used to outline the hierarchy of content. The main heading should be in an H1 tag. Secondary sub-headings should be in H2 tags. H3 – H6 tags aren’t used as often in body copy but work in the same hierarchal sub-heading way.
The main copy is ultimately where the user is going to find what they are looking for or not, so search engines pay close attention to it.
Main copy:
The main copy is text on a web page that features after the main heading:
- It’s also known as body text
- It can include hyperlinks
Why the main copy is important:
- It’s a high-weight on-page SEO signal and adds relevancy to the page
- The main content is where the user is ultimately satisfied or not with what they are looking for.
The main copy is ultimately where the user is going to find what they are looking for or not, so search engines pay close attention to it.
Main copy:
The main copy is text on a web page that features after the main heading:
- It’s also known as body text
- It can include hyperlinks
Why the main copy is important:
- It’s a high-weight on-page SEO signal and adds relevancy to the page
- The main content is where the user is ultimately satisfied or not with what they are looking for
Matt Cutts says there isn’t an ideal keyword density formula and hints that thinking about it in such a way can be unhealthy and may encourage you to over-optimize and load too many keywords into your content. He does however say that including the keywords you’d like to rank for is a good thing, but it should be done in a natural way that enhances the readability of the page.
How to optimize the main copy:
#1 There are no strict guidelines on length
- The content should be long enough so that:
- It satisfies what the user is looking for and
- Search engines understand what the page is about
#2 Keyword usage
- Ignore keyword density and don’t repeat keywords too often
- As a loose rule for 500 words, mention:
- Primary keywords two or three times
- Secondary keywords one or two times
- Tertiary keywords zero or one time
- Use synonyms and close keyword variations
- Write in a natural human-friendly language
As Matt Cutts mentions in the previous Google video, there isn’t a special keyword density formula and when you mention keywords too often, the search engine may see it as being spammy and count against you. That’s why this keyword repetition recommendation for 500 words should be taken quite loosely.
Using synonyms and keyword variations can help, so instead of saying “SEO training” ten times, you could say it two or three times but then also mention things like “learn SEO”, “SEO workshop”, ”class”, “search engine optimization tutorial” and “how to get to the top of Google”. Even if such keywords were not in your targeted keyword list, they would help by being synonyms or close in meaning to your target keywords, so would add relevancy to a page – but again this should be done in a natural way that isn’t going to annoy your readers.
In SEO, hyperlinks help the page you are linking to. The way you link to pages internally plays an important role in search engine rankings. Linking to pages with descriptive and easy to understand anchor text, that doesn’t look spammy, will pass more relevancy. Also, make sure you are linking to your important pages regularly. E.g. If you wrote a blog post about “5 Things to See and Do in Paris”, it would probably make sense to link back to the Paris destination page.
The words you use in the hyperlink is called anchor text and pass relevancy to the receiving page.
- So SEO training will pass more relevancy than click here
- Hyperlinks also pass reputation:
- The more internal links a page has the more important it is deemed to be, so it will stand a better chance of ranking
- Although don’t over-link where it makes for a bad user experience
Image optimization involves making:
- Image filenames and ALT text relevant
- The file size web-friendly
Why image optimization is important:
- It’s a lightweight on-page SEO signal and adds relevancy to the page
- Alt-text is often read out to visually impaired people through screen readers
While image optimization is only a lightweight on-page ranking signal, it is one of the most overlooked aspects but still does add relevancy to the page. Also, by adding relevant ALT text you will be helping people who rely on screen readers that may be visually impaired.
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