Recorded Coaching Call Script: What To Say (+Examples)

Recorded Coaching Call Script



A coaching call can be intimidating and awkward, especially if you’re not sure what to say or how to say it. And the last thing you want to do is go into your meeting with a coach unprepared, which could result in information overload, misunderstandings and confusion about your end goals.


To help you prepare for your coaching calls, here’s an example of a coaching call script that will help you get the results you want from your coach—and ensure that your coach gets the results they need from you!

Before Your First Call

1) One thing to remember is that coaching does not happen over just one phone call. It can take weeks, months, and even years.
2) Keep your coaching goals in mind and keep them at the forefront of your sessions. (If you don’t know what they are, make a list before your call and review it before you begin).
3) Have some idea about what you’re looking for when starting out with a coach so that you can start engaging in these conversations more effectively from day one!

What to Say For a Recorded Coaching Call Script

A coaching call can be intimidating and awkward, especially if you’re not sure what to say or how to say it. And the last thing you want to do is go into your meeting with a coach unprepared, which could result in information overload, misunderstandings and confusion about your end goals.

To help you prepare for your coaching calls, here’s an example of a coaching call script that will help you get the results you want from your coach—and ensure that your coach gets the results they need from you!

Before Your First Call

1) One thing to remember is that coaching does not happen over just one phone call. It can take weeks, months, and even years.
2) Keep your coaching goals in mind and keep them at the forefront of your sessions. (If you don’t know what they are, make a list before your call and review it before you begin).
3) Have some idea about what you’re looking for when starting out with a coach so that you can start engaging in these conversations more effectively from day one!

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During Your First Call

Ask them about their day, then ask a few questions to get a sense of what’s going on in their life.

Here are some suggestions for things you can say:

– How are you feeling?
– Anything frustrating or frustrating you?
– Do you feel like anything is making your mood worse?
– What goals do you have for yourself this week? This month?

When they answer, say something supportive that helps them meet those goals.

After Your First Call

It’s not always easy to have an actual conversation with someone, but most people are more than happy to talk on the phone and if you need a job or just want to talk with someone who will understand your problems then a phone call may be a good way for you to get what you need.


Make sure that before your first call, you decide what it is that you want and focus on that. Do you want to find a new position? Do you just need some help dealing with a problem at work? Then make sure that these two things come up in the discussion.

These are the points of your script.

Hi _, this is __ from Coach _ and I am excited to hear about what brings you here today. Tell me about your experience so far. How did you know that this coaching was going to be helpful? What do you hope will happen as a result of our coaching sessions?

Between Calls

Between your coaching calls, you may have questions, thoughts or feedback that you want to share with your coach. For example, you might have found a book or technique that will help make your goal a reality faster. Just think about what’s most pressing for you and send it off via email so that we can get back on track during your next call.

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“I’ll look forward to hearing from you! You’re an inspiration.
Talk soon, Coach (your name)
Remember, if you need me before our next call at a time that’s more convenient for you, email me anytime and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. I love hearing from you! Have a wonderful evening. And keep up all of your hard work!”

One small suggestion.

Make sure to pick a specific time each day when you commit to doing the exercises in your program. Setting aside dedicated blocks of time helps focus attention on achieving one’s goals by giving them higher priority than other obligations. It also provides accountability – not wanting to let yourself down is often enough to ensure consistency.

“I’m available 24/7 via email should you need any encouragement or assistance!”

Common Questions and Answer Format

1. How do I get someone on the phone?

Ans: When we schedule a call, it’s best to make sure your availability is free at that time.

2. Am I expected to say something specific?

Ans: In coaching, you’re expected to share your thoughts and ideas during the conversation in order for it to be productive, so saying anything and everything that comes up can seem like a relief.

3. How much do coaching calls cost?

Ans: We offer flexible pricing packages based on what you need from us! Click here to learn more about our services and see which package might work best for you. Our service is absolutely FREE to try out with no obligation. It could just be the thing you’ve been looking for!

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Action Point

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