In my previous article, I looked at some of the facts that you need to know about interviews and other techniques for stakeholder identification. In this article, I want to look at some of the facts that you need to know about Group Creativity Techniques for projects. Follow me as we will look at that together in this article.
Group Creativity Techniques are group activities organised within organisations to identify project or product requirements for a project.
#1 Brainstorming
This technique is used to generate and create multiple ideas related to the project and product requirements.
#2 Nominal group techniques
This technique uses a voting process to rank the most useful ideas obtained through brainstorming. Ranking allows for further brainstorming or for prioritization.
#3 Delphi technique
This is a group technique that extracts and summarises anonymous group inputs to choose among various alternatives.
#4 Mind mapping
This technique consolidates ideas created through Brainstorming in a map that reflects the commonality, differences in understanding, and generation of new ideas.
#5 Affinity diagràm
This technique enables the sorting of a large number of ideas collected during brainstorming into distinct categories for review and analysis.
Group decision-making…
Group decision-making techniques are assessment processes that assess multiple alternatives to arrive at expected outcomes. These techniques are used to generate, classify, and prioritise project or product requirements. The outcome is the resolution of future action for the project.
Various methods can be adopted…
- Unanimity: Everyone in the group agrees on a single course of action.
- Majority: This requires support from more than 50 percent of the members of the group to indicate the selected decision.
- Plurality: The largest batch in the group decides for the group even if the majority is not achieved.
- Dictatorship: One individual makes the decision for the entire group.
Other requirements collection techniques …
#1 Questionnaires and surveys
These are written sets of questions designed to quickly accumulate information from a broad audience. It is used when statistical analysis is appropriate for collecting stakeholder requirements.
#2 Observations
A different way of viewing individuals in their work environment or while using the product to identify the project or product requirements. Also, referred to as job shadowing.
#3 Prototypes
This is a method of obtaining feedback on requirements by providing a working model of the expected product.
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