6 Common Threats To Wireless Networks

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 In my previous articles, I have talked about all that you need to know about Home Networks. In this article, I want to look at all that you need to know about Common Threats to Wireless networks. Follow me as we are going to look at that together in this article. 



Here are some of the threats you should know about…

#1 Eavesdropping

Attackers can use a variety of tools to find wireless access points where they can pick up an SSID Broadcast.

#2 Data interception and modification

Attackers who gain access to a network can insert a rogue computer to intercept, modify and relay communications between two legitimate parties. 

#3 Denial of service

Attackers can shut down access points by jamming air with noise, rerouting connections to dead ends, or disconnecting valid clients. 

#4 Spoofing

Even if the user disables broadcasting or turns on Media Access Control (MAC) filtering on the wireless access point, attackers can use antennas to capture the user’s signal, determine SSID or valid MAC Address, and then use it to impersonate an authorised client. 

#5 Freeloading

An attacker can use the network as a free access point to the internet.

#6 Rogue WLANs

Attackers can install unauthorised WLANs on the network with ease.

Using Wireless Networks, attackers can…

  • Read the email and instant messages as they travel across the network
  • Monitor the website that the user visits
  • Copy usernames and passwords 
  • View files on a computer and spread malware
  • Disclose user’s confidential information
  • interrupt the wireless service
  • implement unauthorised WLAN
  • Send spam or perform an illegal activity with the user’s internet connection
  • Slow down the internet performance


Securing wireless networks…

#1 Performance monitoring

One of the primary indicators for you to know if your network has been attacked or not has to do with performance monitoring. When you look at your network statistics and it is not up to the normal standard that is required, it might be an indication that your network has been attacked or is under attack. The web might be slowed down when a hacker is planning to launch a Denial of Service attack. This will allow you to take proactive measures to take back control of your network. 

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#2 Access Point Verification

You also need to also verify that access points in your network are configured to use the closest primary IAS servers. This will ensure that your access points are not hijacked by rogue networks. It will ensure that all open and closed ports on your network are monitored so that they do not become tools in the hand of bad actors. 


#3 Turn Off

You need to turn off your network if you are not using it for a very long time. When you left an unused network or ports open, it will give bad actors access to perpetrate evil on your network. In order to prevent that, you need to make sure that your networks and WIfi are switched off when they are not in use for a very long time. 


#4 Wrong placement 

There is a need for you to always do a re-assessment of your network architecture from time to time. You need to make sure that you always look out for wrong configurations on your network and make sure that they are corrected as soon as you discover the wrong configuration on your network. 


#5 Unprotected Wi-fi

There are some of us that are in the habit of looking for free Wi-fi to connect to. This is a terrible habit. It is not all the free Wi-fi that you see around that is secured. Some are set up by bad actors to gain access to your network and data. You have to make sure that you do not connect to free wi-fi. If you must connect to free wi-fi in a public place, make sure the network administrator assists you in identifying the correct SSID to connect and that you are given the network credentials as well. 

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#6 Default SSID 

There are also instances when you purchase a device and are forced to use the default password for such a device. There are also some people that have the opportunity of changing the password but decided to stick to the password that came with the device. This particular practice is very wrong. If it happens that the password mistakenly falls into the hand of the wrong person, it might open such a user to more attacks. 

#7 Default username

Just like what I said earlier, you need to change the default username and password for your device. Hackers can use a dictionary meaning to discover the default username and password to unlock your device. If you decided not to change the default username and password that comes with your device, it will definitely expose the user to more attacks. You have to make sure that the default Bluetooth and wi-fi usernames and passwords are changed in order to secure your device. 

#8 No SSID Broadcast

also, in order to secure your network from attackers, you have to disable your network SSID Broadcast. When you turn on SSID broadcast, it will allow everyone to discover that network and possibly login into that network. Switching off the SSID broadcasts will ensure that the network cannot be seen by bad actors who might want to log in or hijack the network session. 

Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that because I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained include the staff of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, and New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your training. You can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training. 

I know you might agree with some of the points that I have raised in this article. You might not agree with some of the issues raised. Let me know your views about the topic discussed. We will appreciate it if you can drop your comment. Thanks in anticipation.


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