Analysing Internal Link Building For SEO Success

Analysing Internal Link Building For SEO Success

What is link building? There are various definitions online, but the best one I have found comes from Wikipedia, which explains link building as the process of attracting links to a website from other websites.


In simpler terms, link building is how you make sure that people can find your site when they look up specific keywords on search engines like Google and Bing.


What is Internal Link Building?

Internal link building is a component of search engine optimization that involves adding links within your website’s content and navigation.


Internal link building can boost your site’s search visibility by increasing its prominence in search engine results. It also helps ensure that all the pages on your site are easily found, ensuring higher quality traffic.


You can do internal link building yourself with just some time and patience or hire an expert to get it done for you.



What Are The 3 Types of Internal Links?

The three major types of internal links are; contextual, navigational, and hub. All three are important for getting traffic to your site, but if you want to get an advantage over your competitors you need to learn how to do them right. This is a summary of the three types of internal linking.


– Contextual linking is when you link to pages that are related to the one that visitors are on.


– Navigational linking points visitors in the direction of other pages they might be interested in based on what they clicked on or entered into a search engine like Google.



– Hub linking creates new entry points into your website from which people can go deeper into its content. The key to this type of linking is making sure it’s easy for users to find their way back out again.


Linking also helps make your site more scannable because it lets users jump around easily between different sections and topics. Think about using headings, subheadings, bullet points, and paragraphs to help organize your information.


It’s not enough just to have text; there should be some form of structure as well. Try starting with headers first before going any further so you know where your post will begin and end and where you’ll include graphics or images.

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How Does Internal Linking Benefit Me?

Internal linking allows search engines to see every page on your site as relevant and important. Search engines like relevance, which means if your website is poorly linked internally, it could be at a significant disadvantage.


The more internal links you have on your site, the more pages you get indexed—and that is exactly what you want when trying to achieve success from an organic search engine ranking perspective.



How Do I Put Together an Effective Strategy?

If you’re familiar with content marketing, then you know that a successful strategy involves creating and sharing lots of content across various platforms.


Internal link building is a fundamental part of most campaigns because it helps improve your site’s rank in Google’s SERPs.

To implement a successful strategy, however, you have to know how to put together an effective one. Here are some tips for effective internal link building for SEO success:




1) Create content at least once per week

2) Include links back to other pages on your website or blog whenever possible. It will help boost the relevance of these pages when they show up in search results.

The more times a page appears in search engine results, the more weight Google assigns to its ranking.

In addition, by linking to your content from external sites like LinkedIn or YouTube, you can increase the credibility of those websites as well.


Finally, keep in mind that not all links should be considered equal. That’s why it’s important to strategically include links between different types of content such as blog posts, videos, infographics, and articles.


Doing so will give readers a better understanding of what’s being discussed and encourage them to visit the other pages on your site.

It also provides readers with additional information that may answer their questions before they even ask them.

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And while this may seem like something that would work against improving your rankings, it has the opposite effect.



Creating a Map of Your Site

Internal links aren’t just important for link building; they play a crucial role in site structure and usability.

Getting your internal linking strategy down to a science will not only help your search rankings but will also help boost user experience and funnel more traffic to your website.


To start creating a map of your site, look at high-level pages or sections of content that are similar to one another, then make an educated guess about what pages would be useful to users who land on those specific sections.


Next, do some preliminary research on the topic to see if you can find out any popular keywords that people use when searching for information related to these topics.


If so, include them in your navigation bar (or other prominent areas) so users can quickly and easily get to where they want to go.

You can also create new content around these popular keywords and see how often people share it with their friends online. The more social shares you have, the higher your search engine ranking will be because Google likes websites with lots of social signals!


Internal Linking Tool

If you want to automate things, you can use Ahrefs. Ahrefs is a popular link indexing and analysis tool. By using its various filters, you can learn more about your top linking pages and competitors’ best-performing pages.


You can even copy these links and put them to work on your website if you want to try similar content strategies.

If that doesn’t work for some reason, simply reach out to influencers who have shared your competitors’ top-performing content to request they share yours instead.



These days it’s easier than ever to find the contact information of any given person with just a few clicks. A little hard work will yield impressive results!




Internal links make a website more user-friendly and help search engines crawl your site more effectively.

Search engine bots can’t see through URLs, so they won’t know to follow internal links on your site unless you tell them (i.e., via internal links).

Internal link building is therefore one of several strategies you can use to increase your website’s traffic, search engine rankings, and reputation.

Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that because I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained include the staff of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, and New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your trainingYou can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training.

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