Facts About Content And Panda Update: How Google Updates Search Engine Contents

Facts About Content And Panda Update


To understand how we have gotten to this point, where blogging is an inseparable part of our lives, you need to learn about the content and Google’s Panda update. These two have influenced blogging to become what we know today. In this article, I want to talk about some facts about Content and Panda Update. 


Content has been around from the beginning of the internet. It has been used to position a website for keywords that are relevant to that site. Numerous techniques have been used for this purpose. One of which included the notorious, obsolete practice of keyword stuffing. The gap between a website and a blog was much broader. Brands and companies had their websites, while bloggers managed their blogs.


The number of internet users has been rapidly increasing, and they were all looking for something on the internet. They were looking for information. To do this, people have been using search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo, where they would type a search query. These search queries would represent something, which these users have been interested in. Then, the relevant results would come out in the search engine result pages. These caused two things:


Firstly, companies have started to realize that they are unable to compete with blogging content, as they had too little content, making them less likely to appear in the search engine
result pages. This is how blogging has become a part of the business world. Once reserved for journalists, writers, and critics, blogging has moved into the business world at full speed. The result of this is still visible to this day. Almost any business wishing to succeed and build a respectable name will try to do so through blogging.


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The second thing that resulted from the rapid expansion of the internet is the fact that content has been starting to pile up. Search engines have been struggling to filter the results, as webmasters were using devious techniques and practices to boost their websites to the top of the search results. In many cases, search results have become very saturated with keyword-stuffed content. The bad thing was that most of that content was actually junk. It was content written with the intention to trick search engines to believe that there is something relevant on that web page when in reality there was not. It was only a scheme used to reach online users.


It was at this point (back in 2011) that Google rolled out its Panda Update. This was a search engine update that was designed to detect low-quality content pages and banish them from the search engine results pages (SERP).


The goal was also to identify high-quality pages and award them with a good ranking. Being able to recognize the quality of the content allows Google to provide a better user experience because this way search engines can show really relevant results that can, in fact, provide a meaningful response to a user query. This update has been evolving through the years, but what ultimately changed is how we perceive website content and blogging in general.


While blogging has become an effective tool for reaching online users, with this update in mind, bloggers are now aware that only quality content can achieve this goal. Tactics such as “keyword stuffing” no longer work. In today’s world, the emphasis is on quality content.

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