Web Analytics For Advertising: How To Make Sense Out Of Data

9 Importance Of Web Analytics For Advertising


In my previous articles, I have looked at some of the facts that you need to consider when you need to host your website. In this article, I will be looking at some of the importance of web analytics for advertising and advertisers. Follow me as we are going to look at that in this article.



Now the importance…

#1 Decreasing bounce rate

One of the major benefits of web analytics for advertisers is that it will reduce the bounce rates on the landing. Bounce rate happens when visitors only click on the page that brought them to the website and no other page. When you have good web analytics in place, you will be able to understand the page. You will discover what content your visitors are interested in. This will allow you to sustain your visitors’ interest in your website.


#2 Measuring advertising results

Another benefit of having a good website analytics tool on your website is that it will allow you to measure your advertising results. Most times, you might be in a situation where you have to decide whether you want to continue to run an advertisement or not. If you do not know how the previous campaign has performed, you may not be able to decide whether you are going to continue the campaign or not.

#3 Targeting audience

In addition, having good web analytics in place will allow you to determine your target audience. Most times, when you need to determine who your target audience are, you need to analyse your present audience in order to determine who you are really going to target. This will definitely increase the conversion rate for your campaigns.

#4 Generating more leads

Also, a good analysis of web analytics will allow you to generate more leads. It will give you an insight into what your audience is really interested in. When you know the pages or posts that your audience are visiting on your website, you will be able to optimize that page in order to drive more audience to your website.

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#5 Improving browsing experience

Also, having good web analytics in place will definitely improve the browsing experience for your users. From your analytics dashboard, you can determine the browsers that people are using to access your page and decide on the best techniques to adopt in order to boost the browsing experience for your users.


#6 Understanding traffic pattern

Also, web analytics will allow you to understand the traffic pattern for your website. You will be able to identify the exact location where your audience are coming from. This will allow you to work on how those traffic sources can be optimized in order to get more traffic from that source.

#7 Driving traffic
Also, analyzing your website analytics will allow you to plan on how you will drive more traffic to your website. Most times, your web analytics will allow you to discover where your traffics are coming from. If you are running ads on your website, you will be able to discover whether you are getting clicks from that particular website. You can also work on how to get more traffic from that website or advertising platform.


#8 Creating good web content

Having good web analytics in place will also assist you in creating good web content for your users. Most times, when you critically examine your web analytics, you will be able to identify the contents that your users are really interested in. This will allow you to write more of those content so as to increase customer engagement on your website.

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#9 Increasing conversion rate

Also, having a good web analytics strategy in place will also increase the conversion rate on your website. It will allow you to carry out series A/B Testing in order to determine what works and what is not working as far as your landing page is concerned. This will enable you to do all that you need to do in order to increase the conversion rate on your website.




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