The Different Types Of Blogs We Have

Types Of Blogs


The entire concept of blogging evolved from the personal blogs created in the 1990s. This content format is still something that persists to this day as one of the most popular blogging types you can find.


The idea with a personal blog is to share your experience and thoughts about a particular topic. Content is published by an individual, who may or may not be an expert on the topic but is certainly someone who has experience and opinions about it. A person could be earning money through this type of blogging, but this is not a general rule. For example, the person could approach blogging as a hobby.

#1 Personal Blog

A type of a personal blog can be one about playing the guitar or running. Another example would be a parenting blog featuring insights of a parent raising his/her child. There are lots of travel blogs run by individuals. As you can see, topics can be quite diverse.


#2 Business blog

Blogging for business has become a predominant type of blogs nowadays, and it includes two major concepts.
The business blog could be run by an individual blogger who works for a company and promotes this company through a blog. The second option is for a company to run a business blog and then include multiple writers who contribute with content for that company’s blog. In this case, they represent a team of bloggers who blog for the company.


A business blog is usually focused on a particular topic that is related to the company’s business strategy in some way. An example is a company that sells software to other companies and agencies. This company can create a blog about running a business, increasing sales, as well as how this particular software can be integrated into a business.

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#3 Niche blog

The idea with niche blogging is to focus on a single topic. This approach gives an opportunity to specialize in a specific topic and attract highly targeted visitors. When creating a niche blog, it is essential to choose a topic you are passionate about. A topic, which you know a lot about and which is related to your business (if blogging is a part of a business strategy).


Examples of niche blogs are food blogs, parenting blogs, tech blogs, teacher’s blogs, beauty blogs, etc. Different monetization tactics can be a part of this type of blogging.
The greatest advantage of niche blogging is tailored content to the specific target group with better conversion potential.


#4 Affiliate blogs

With this type of blog, the owner focuses blogging activity on an affiliate marketing strategy. This means that the goal is to recommend products or services through affiliate links,

encourage visitors to click on these links, and eventually buy the products. This enables the blogger to earn commission without having to own products or services to sell. Product reviews are typically shared on this type of blog, but other content types such as lists, how-to guides and tutorials can also feature affiliate links.


To maximize the efficiency of an affiliate blog, it is recommended to create a niche affiliate blog. This means that you need to choose a topic to write about and then create an affiliate marketing strategy to combine with this blog and its topic. It is necessary to choose affiliate programs that include products related to the blog niche. One example could be a tennis blog, where you would promote gear for tennis players through affiliate links.

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Knowing what blogging is and being aware of the types of blogs out there is helpful to explore the potential of blogging in your situation. Regardless if this is a hobby for you or a career you want to focus on, blogging offers many opportunities to reach online users. Blogging has been evolving throughout the years, and it will continue to do so in the future. This means that it is possible to discover even new opportunities to promote and get promoted in the online world through blogs.


Action Point
PS: If you would like to have an online course on any of the courses that you found on this blog, I will be glad to do that on an individual and corporate level, I will be very glad to do that because I have trained several individuals and groups and they are doing well in their various fields of endeavour. Some of those that I have trained include the staff of Dangote Refinery, FCMB, Zenith Bank, and New Horizons Nigeria among others. Please come on Whatsapp and let’s talk about your trainingYou can reach me on Whatsapp HERE. Please note that I will be using Microsoft Team to facilitate the training.

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