Elements Of Website Accessibility: What You Should Know (+Examples)

5 Major Elements Of Website Accessibility


In my previous article, I talked about some of the facts that you need to know about how to create a good website. In this article, I will be talking about some of the facts that you need to know about elements of website accessibility. Follow me as we will look at some of these elements in this article.



In one of my articles, I said that there is no point in you having good content and it is difficult for your audience to have access to that website. That is why when it comes to content for your website, you need to ensure that users are able to have access to your website without having to sign up on your website.


You need to make sure that there is easy accessibility to your content without any hindrance. It may be that one of those people that are reading your content will become your brand advocate. So, in this article, let’s look at some of the reasons why you should make your website content available to your target audience.


What is website accessibility…
Website accessibility refers to the process of making websites easy to access by the targeted visitors of all abilities and disabilities by means of good design and navigation.


This means that the target audience is able to:

#1 Perceive content
The very first thing is that when you are presenting your content to your target audience, it is very important that you and your target audience should be on the same page as far as the objective of your website is concerned.

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They should have a glimpse of what you want to achieve by presenting those contents. That is why you need to state clearly what you want your audience to do after they have read the contents. They should not second guess what you expect them to do after they have read your content.

#2 Understand content
The very next that is very important when it comes to website accessibility for a website is that your audience must understand your content. You need to ensure that your website contents are presented in a clear way. It should be very easy for your target audience to understand your content. You should make sure that you adopt the use of simple English and short paragraphs. This will ensure that you are able to sustain your audience longer than enough.


#3 Navigate through the site
Also, when it comes to website accessibility for your website, it should be easy for your audience to navigate through your website. You need to create Tabs and categories on your website. When you use this appropriately, it will be very easy for your users to be able to find what they are looking for.


For instance, when you look at this blog, we have all our articles grouped into different categories which makes it easy for users to find what they are looking for. We also have a Search box that can be used to search for specific articles.


#4 Interacts with the website
Have you imagined entering a website and there are employees standing around and they are not able to attend to you or answer your questions? I am sure you may not buy any product from that particular store. You need to make sure that you are able to interact with your users.

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A good website should be able to pre-empt what the user is going to do next. When you have such an intuitive website, it will help you to sustain users’ interest in your website.


#5 Contributes to the website
A good website with good accessibility will allow users to contribute to the development of content on your website. Please note that allowing customers to contribute through comments, feedback and Guest Posts will send the signal that you really care about your audience and what they have to say. This can also make your website become brand advertisers who have decided to share your content with other users.


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